
From ArchWiki

From the project home page: H2 is a small Java based relation database, featuring:

  • Very fast, open source, JDBC API
  • Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases
  • Browser based Console application
  • Small footprint: around 2 MB jar file size


Install the h2AUR package.

Web Console / DB Management

This will launch a web based interface on port 8082.

$ h2-console

TCP / PG Server

This will launch a web based interface on port 8082, TCP server on port 9092, and PG server (a server that follows the PostgreSQL protocol) on port 5435

$ java -cp /usr/share/java/h2/h2.jar org.h2.tools.Server

One can connect using a JDBC url such as jdbc:h2:tcp://

Note: The -ifNotExists flag can be used to generate an empty database.