User:Kernelmode/IBM Websphere Integration Developer 6.2

From ArchWiki

Category:Development Launching IBM WID in modern Arch environment is not a trivial task, here is a detailed guide on how to do it.


To intsall IBM WID 6.2 on Arch Linux you need:

  • Delete IBM Installation Manager if you have it installed
  • Comment out the following line in installer_dir/IM_linux/install.xml
  • Launch silent installation
# ./userinst --launcher.ini ./silent-install.ini


To make IBM WID 6.2 run successfully you will need to install swt, lib32-gtk2, lib32-libstdc++5 and lib32-libxtst. You can run WID with the following command

$ /opt/IBM/WID62/eclipse -product -showlocation