User:Larivact/old-drafts/Network management

From ArchWiki

Category:Network configuration


  • interface management
  • static IP address, or
  • DHCP client
    • dhcpcd – DHCP, DHCPv6 and ZeroConf client daemon.
    • ISC DHCP (dhclient)

Network managers

Note: There are many solutions to choose from, but remember that all of them are mutually exclusive; you should not run two daemons simultaneously.
Manager DHCP client CLI GUI Comment
ConnMan native connmanctl(1) 8 unofficial has Bluetooth and 2G/3G/4G plugins, supports ppp
netctl dhcpcd or dhclient netctl(1) 2 unofficial profile files written by hand or generated with wifi-menu, supports ppp
NetworkManager dhcpcd or dhclient nmcli(1), nmtui(1) network-manager-applet VPN plugins available, supports ppp
systemd-networkd native - - wired connection requires a config file
Wicd dhcpcd, dhclient, pumpAUR wicd-cli(8), wicd-curses(8) wicd-gtk
Wifi Radar any - wifi-radar(1) PyGTK2 GUI for managing wireless profiles

base contains dhcpcd, netctl and systemd-networkd.