User:M0p/Sway desktop

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Sway desktop


pacstrap /mnt networkmanager

A minimal desktop environment based on Sway with terminal emulator, screenshot, brightness control and screen color utility for sensitive eyes at night.

pacstrap /mnt man sway swayidle swaylock grim i3status kitty brightnessctl gammastep

wofi, a application launcher for Sway, seems to pull in GTK dependencies

pacstrap /mnt wofi

Qt-on-Wayland dependency

pacstrap /mnt qt5-wayland

Kvantum Qt theme, GTK theme and icons, including high-res mouse cursor.

pacstrap /mnt kvantum-qt5 gnome-themes-extra qt5ct

PulseAudio and a QT-based control panel

pacstrap /mnt pulseaudio pavucontrol-qt

Firefox and extensions for a sane web browsing experience

pacstrap /mnt firefox firefox-dark-reader firefox-extension-https-everywhere firefox-umatrix 

QT applications: keyring, image viewer, file manager and text editor. KeePassXC supports Secret Service Integration and SSH Agent, much better than half-baked GNOME Seahorse as desktop environment keyring.

pacstrap /mnt keepassxc lximage-qt pcmanfm-qt featherpad

mpv media player with VAAPI hardware acceleration for YouTube videos

pacstrap /mnt proxychains-ng youtube-dl mpv libva-intel-driver

Zathura PDF reader

pacstrap /mnt zathura zathura-pdf-poppler

gvfs for MTP and Samba mounting support

pacstrap /mnt gvfs-smb gvfs-mtp

xarchiver and dependencies

pacstrap /mnt xarchiver p7zip unzip arj lhasa lrzip lzip lzop ncompress unrar zip


pacstrap /mnt hugo git

If you need Xorg based programs, install XWayland

pactrap /mnt xorg-server-xwayland

Chinese input method (relies on Xorg, pulls in tons of dependencies)

pactrap /mnt xorg-server-xwayland fcitx5 fcitx5-config-qt fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-gtk

Personal package selection for root on ZFS

pacstrap $MOUNTPOINT sway swayidle swaylock grim i3status kitty brightnessctl gammastep wofi qt5-wayland kvantum-qt5 gnome-themes-extra qt5ct pulseaudio pavucontrol-qt firefox firefox-dark-reader firefox-umatrix keepassxc lximage-qt pcmanfm-qt featherpad proxychains-ng youtube-dl mpv libva-intel-driver zathura zathura-pdf-poppler gvfs-smb gvfs-mtp xarchiver p7zip unzip arj lhasa lrzip lzip lzop ncompress unrar zip

Backup home dir

Before installation

tmpd=`mktemp -d` && rsync -a $MOUNTPOINT/home/$TARGET_USERNAME/ $tmpd
# copy contents under $TARGET_USERNAME/ to $tmpd without recreating $tmpd/$TARGET_USERNAME
# $tmpd does not end with backslash /

After installation

rsync -a $tmpd/ $MOUNTPOINT/home/$TARGET_USERNAME
zfs snapshot rpool_$poolUUID/HOME/$TARGET_USERNAME@start