Hyprland (Русский)
Hyprland — это независимый тайловый Wayland-композитор, написанный на C++. Из особенностей Hyprland следует отметить динамическое расположение окон, наличие окон, сгруппированных во вкладки, легко читаемый код на C++ и собственный рендеринг, позволяющий использовать анимации, округлять окна и включать размытие окон. Общие сведения о настройке и пользовании подробно описаны на сайте Hyprland wiki.
Вы можете использовать один из следующих пакетов, чтобы установить Hyprland:
- hyprland - стабильная версия.
- hyprland-gitAUR - последняя версия.
Начиная с #6608, Hyprland использует aquamarine в качестве собственной библиотеки рендеринга. До этого использовалась версия wlroots, которая развивалась по принципу wlroots-gitAUR.
- Пользователи видеокарт NVIDIA должны убедиться в том, что они следуют советам последней версии Hyprland Wiki прежде чем пытаться запустить Hyprland. Несоблюдение советов может привести к многочисленным ошибкам, включая невозможность входа в систему, мерцание окон и высокую нагрузку на процессор.
- Использование видеокарт NVIDIA с видеодрайвером версией ниже 555 может привести к проблемам из-за отсутствия Explicit Sync. Большинство пользователей не сталкивается с ошибками, но они присутствуют и их много.
- Также убедитесь, что пакет Polkit установлен,так как его отсутствие может привести к невозможности запуска Hyprland. (
logind missing permissions
Настройка осуществляется через единственный конфигурационный файл, hyprland.conf, также поддерживается разбиение на несколько файлов и включение их в hyprland.conf
. По умолчанию используется файл /usr/share/hyprland/hyprland.conf
, а после первого входа в систему - ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
содержит настройки устройств (клавиатуры, мыши, трекпада, монитора и прочих), а также настройки анимации, оформления и т.д. Вы можете задать привязку клавиш, правила работы с окнами и выполнение команд.
Конфигурация автоматически перезагружается каждый раз, когда вы слхраняете файл. Вы также можете использовать hyprctl reload
для такого же эффекта. Для некоторых настроек (в частности, настроек ввода) может потребоваться перезапуск сессии Hyprland.
Настройки также можно изменить на лету с помощью hyprctl, но они не будут сохранены.
По умолчание Hyprland будет использовать US Qwerty
, вы можете изменить это следующим образом:
# Русская + английская раскладка input { ... kb_layout = us, ru ... }
Просмотреть все доступные варианты вы можете на странице Hyprland Wiki.
Задержка и скорость
Если пользователи Xorg привыкли к тому, что этот параметр задаётся на уровне сервера, то в Wayland каждый композитор обрабатывает его самостоятельно:
# Repeat rate and delay input { ... repeat_rate = 25 repeat_delay = 600 ... }
Подсветка клавиатуры
Использование регуляторов яркости клавиатуры в Hyprland возможно. Установите brightnessctl и добавьте соответствующие привязки (замените keyboard_brightness_*
или XF86KbdBrightness
в зависимости от того, как ваше оборудование отображает подсветку клавиатуры):
# Подсветка клавиатуры bind = , keyboard_brightness_up_shortcut, exec, brightnessctl -d *::kbd_backlight set +33% bind = , keyboard_brightness_down_shortcut, exec, brightnessctl -d *::kbd_backlight set 33%-
Также можно включить уведомления на экране, который будут появляться при внесении изменений.
Привязка мультимедии
Использование привязки команд к клавишам в Hyprland возможно с помощью XF86Audio
keysyms и приложение pavucontrol или pamixer и playerctl.
# Управление громкостью и мультимедия bind = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, pamixer -i 5 bind = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, pamixer -d 5 bind = , XF86AudioMicMute, exec, pamixer --default-source -m bind = , XF86AudioMute, exec, pamixer -t bind = , XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause bind = , XF86AudioPause, exec, playerctl play-pause bind = , XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next bind = , XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous
Также можно включить уведомления на экране, который будут появляться при внесении изменений.
Настройка жестов
Будучи композитором Wayland, Hyprland имеет полную поддержку жестов, хотя по умолчанию они отключены. Чтобы включить их, внесите следующие изменения в конфигурационный файл:
# Включить жесты gestures { workspace_swipe = true workspace_swipe_fingers = 3 }
Просмотреть все доступные варианты вы можете на странице Hyprland Wiki.
Настройки экрана
Демонстрация экрана
Смотрите демонстрация экрана
Будучи совместимым с wlroots композитором, Hyprland может использовать xdg-desktop-portal-wlr для включения захвата экрана в ряде приложении посредством xdg-desktop-portal.
Hyprland также взаимодействует с xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland, который поддерживает демонстрацию экрана (включая демонстрацию области и демонстрацию окна), общие сочетания клавиш, и имеет утилиту для палитры. Использование портала дополнительно документировано в Hyprland wiki[устаревшая ссылка 2024-11-05 ⓘ].
Стоит отметить, что xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland не включает в себя средство выбора файлов, для которого пользователи могут дополнительно установить xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.
Установка разрешении экрана
Hyprland пытается обнаружить разрешение вашего экрана автоматически, однако в некоторых случаях оно выдаёт сбой и по умолчанию перейдёт в режим отказоустойчивости, как правило, если имеется несколько экранов или если у вас гибридный ноутбук. Если на вашем экране всё огромное, то вам необходимо настроить монитор и разрешение по умолчанию.
Сначала найдите монитор по умолчанию, используя hyprctl:
$ hyprctl monitors
Monitor eDP-1 (ID 0): 1920x1080@144.003006 at 0x0 description: Chimei Innolux Corporation 0x153C (eDP-1) ...
После чего добавьте ваш монитор в конфигурацию:
... # Подробности монитора monitor=eDP-1,1920x1080@144,0x0,1 ...
это смещение позиции, используемое для многоэкранных настроек, и наконец 1
это коэффициент масштабирования экрана.
Подсветка экрана
Установите brightnessctl, после чего добавьте следующие комбинации клавиш:
# Яркость экрана bind = , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, brightnessctl s +5% bind = , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, brightnessctl s 5%-
Также можно использовать экранные уведомления, которые срабатывают при внесении изменений.
It is currently recommended to start Hyprland from a TTY.
$ Hyprland
While launching from a display manager is not officially supported, users have reported success launching from GDM, SDDM, and others. The hyprland package contains a display manager entry, and all Hyprland AUR packages will generate one automatically.
Both methods provide identical results, plus or minus a few environment variables and services.
Auto login
Users can automatically login by using a display manager or adapting the method described in Xinit#Autostart X at login.
hyprctl and IPC
hyprctl is a command line utility that comes installed with Hyprland to communicate with the display server. It allows you to dispatch commands to the server (equivalent to commands in the configuration file, but with a slightly different syntax), set keywords, send queries and request information. See the full documentation.
Hyprland also exposes 2 UNIX Sockets for controlling and getting information about Hyprland via code or command-line utilities. These sockets broadcast events on focus change (windows, workspaces, monitors), creation of windows/workspace, and so on.
Both hyprctl and the IPC sockets can be effectively used in scripts to control Hyprland for complex tasks.
exec versus exec-once
When starting applications it is important to use the correct type of dispatcher, using exec
incorrectly can result in applications being started multiple times taking up system resources and in the worst cases, causing a race condition that can crash your system.
each time a change to the file is saved: do not use exec
for everything.
In most cases you should use exec-once
to launch applications and daemons at boot, as this command will not run again with a reload, only use exec
if you are absolutely sure you want the command to run again on every reload.Setting environment variables
It is possible to set environment variables directly in hyprland.conf
through the env keyword, which has a different syntax than the env UNIX command used by shells.
The differences are explained on the upstream Wiki.
The Hyprland development team are building an ecosystem of applications tailored to be specifically used with Hyprland, these tools will include dispatchers allowing for them to be controlled with hyprctl
rather than relying on scripts.
Currently the ecosystem consists of:
Hyprpaper is a wallpaper utility, it can be installed with the hyprpaper package.
Hyprpicker is a utility to grab a colour from your desktop, it can be installed with the hyprpicker package.
Hypridle is an idle management daemon, it can be installed with the hypridle package.
Hyprlock is a screen lock manager, it can be installed with the hyprlock package.
Hyprcursor is a new format for handling screen cursors that offers many improvements over the traditional way, it can be installed with the hyprcursor package,
Hyprcursor themes
Cursor themes can be installed from the AUR, for example:
- sweet-cursors-hyprcursor-gitAUR
- nordzy-hyprcursorsAUR
- xcursor-pro-hyprcursorAUR
- hyprcursor-dracula-kde-gitAUR
Instructions for porting existing themes to Hyprcursor are available on the upstream GitHub repository.
Tips and tricks
- For all below sections there will usually be more than one way of achieving a similar result, everything provided here is a basic example.
- For a comprehensive list of alternatives refer to List of applications, a Hyprland specific list can be found on the upstream Wiki.
File manager
Hyprland requires a wayland-compatible external application if graphical file management is desired. Using thunar as an example, we simply need to assign it a keybind as follows:
... bind = SUPER, E, exec, thunar ...
Application launcher
Hyprland requires a wayland-compatible external application to launch applications. Using wofi as an example, we simply need to assign it a keybind as follows:
... bind = SUPER, F, exec, wofi --show drun ...
Hyprland requires a wayland-compatible external idle management daemon. The most common setup is swayidle and swaylock. You can lock your screen manually using a bind as follows:
... bind = SUPER, L, exec, swaylock -f -c 000000 ...
Automatic screen locking and suspend
Create the following script:
swayidle -w timeout 300 'swaylock -f -c 000000' \ timeout 600 'systemctl suspend' \ before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000' &
- You can adjust the timeout periods by editing the numerical values, in seconds. 300 is 5 minutes, 600 is 10 minutes etc.
- The script must be executable.
Then call it:
... exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/sleep.sh ...
Turning off the screen using DPMS after a timeout period
Hyprland has a built in dispatcher to handle DPMS requests however using it as a direct keybind is not recommended, doing so will result in you not being able to turn the screen back on and will require you to reboot.
Edit the script from above and change it to read:
swayidle -w timeout 300 'swaylock -f -c 000000' \ timeout 600 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' \ resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' \ timeout 900 'systemctl suspend' \ before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000' &
hyprctl dispatch dpms on
command must come directly after the hyprctl dispatch dpms off
command in the script for it to function correctly, as the resume command is linked to the previous timeout used.Stop DPMS while using applications
The above setup will result in your monitor powering off while you are doing things like playing a game, watching a video or listening to music where you might not touch the system for longer than the timeout period.
To fix this you can either use Hyprlands built in Window Rules V2 function which has a idleinhibit
rule or you can install one of either idlehack-gitAUR or sway-audio-idle-inhibit-gitAUR. The former uses D-Bus to prevent Swayidle requests whenever Firefox or Chromium are playing audio/video. The latter prevents Swayidle requests whenever any application is playing audio.
For programs that use org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.inhibit
to pause the screensaver, you can install wscreensaver-bridge-gitAUR[ссылка недействительна: package not found] to implement it for Hyprland (or any Wayland compositor that support the idle-inhibit
Status bar
Hyprland requires a wayland-compatible external application to display a status bar. Using waybar as an example, we simply need to call it as follows:
... exec-once = waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/waybar.conf ...
Workspace overview
waybar has a built in, fully customisable module that supports Hyprland workspace switching natively.
See the waybar Wiki [1] for details.
Polkit authentication
Polkit authentication requires the use of an external authentication agent. Hyprland recommends using polkit-kde-agent but any should work.
Call it as follows:
... exec-once = /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 ...
Desktop wallpaper
Hyprland requires a wayland-compatible external application to manage desktop wallpapers. Using swww as an example, we simply need to call it as follows:
... exec-once = swww-daemon exec-once = swww img path/to/image ...
Using a script to change wallpaper every X minutes
Create the following script and make sure its executable:
#!/bin/bash # This script will randomly go through the files of a directory, setting it # up as the wallpaper at regular intervals # # NOTE: this script uses bash (not POSIX shell) for the RANDOM variable if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] || [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 <dir containing images>" exit 1 fi # Edit below to control the images transition export SWWW_TRANSITION_FPS=144 export SWWW_TRANSITION_STEP=2 export SWWW_TRANSITION_TYPE=random # This controls (in seconds) when to switch to the next image INTERVAL=300 while true; do find "$1" \ | while read -r img; do echo "$((RANDOM % 1000)):$img" done \ | sort -n | cut -d':' -f2- \ | while read -r img; do if [[ "$img" != "$1" ]]; then swww img "$img" sleep $INTERVAL fi done done
Next create a new folder to store background images, something like ~/.config/hypr/backgrounds
should work fine, and populate it with any images you want.
Finally call the script:
... exec-once = swww-daemon exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/swww-random ~/.config/hypr/background ...
On screen notifications
On screen notifications for actions like brightness and volume changes are possible by using external notification daemons. This is a very complex topic and covering it completely is beyond the scope of this page. Rather, this section will focus on mako so go ahead and install it.
See Desktop notifications for further instructions and Desktop notifications#Standalone for a list of alternatives.
- All scripts offered here are examples and will very likely need to be adjusted for your setup.
- All scripts in this section must be executable.
Mako is a lightweight notification daemon, you can read mako(5) for details. Its configuration file is ~/.config/mako/config
, icons used for OSD are stored at ~/.config/mako/icons/
and should be in PNG format.
For the rest of this section all the images used by the scripts are available from this GitHub folder.
Keyboard backlight notifications
First create the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash iDIR="$HOME/.config/mako/icons" # Get brightness get_backlight() { LIGHT="$(cat /sys/class/leds/*::kbd_backlight/brightness)" echo "${LIGHT}" } # Get icons get_icon() { current="$(cat /sys/class/leds/*::kbd_backlight/brightness)" if [[ ("$current" -ge "0") && ("$current" -le "1") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-20.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "1") && ("$current" -le "2") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-60.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "2") && ("$current" -le "3") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-100.png" fi } # Notify notify_user() { notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$icon" "Keyboard Brightness : $(brightnessctl -d '*::kbd_backlight' g)" } # Increase brightness inc_backlight() { brightnessctl -d *::kbd_backlight set 33%+ && get_icon && notify_user } # Decrease brightness dec_backlight() { brightnessctl -d *::kbd_backlight set 33%- && get_icon && notify_user } # Zero brightness zero_backlight() { brightnessctl -d *::kbd_backlight s 0% } # Full brightness full_backlight() { brightnessctl -d *::kbd_backlight s 100% } # Execute accordingly if [[ "$1" == "--get" ]]; then brightnessctl -d '*::kbd_backlight' g elif [[ "$1" == "--inc" ]]; then inc_backlight elif [[ "$1" == "--dec" ]]; then dec_backlight elif [[ "$1" == "--zero" ]]; then zero_backlight elif [[ "$1" == "--full" ]]; then full_backlight else get_backlight fi
Then add a new bind, or edit any existing one:
# Keyboard brightness bind = keyboard_brightness_up_shortcut, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/kbbacklight --inc bind = keyboard_brightness_down_shortcut, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/kbbacklight --dec
Media key notifications
First create the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash iDIR="$HOME/.config/mako/icons" # Get Volume get_volume() { volume=$(pamixer --get-volume) echo "$volume" } # Get icons get_icon() { current=$(get_volume) if [[ "$current" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "$iDIR/volume-mute.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "0") && ("$current" -le "30") ]]; then echo "$iDIR/volume-low.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "30") && ("$current" -le "60") ]]; then echo "$iDIR/volume-mid.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "60") && ("$current" -le "100") ]]; then echo "$iDIR/volume-high.png" fi } # Notify notify_user() { notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$(get_icon)" "Volume : $(get_volume) %" } # Increase Volume inc_volume() { pamixer -i 5 && notify_user } # Decrease Volume dec_volume() { pamixer -d 5 && notify_user } # Toggle Mute toggle_mute() { if [ "$(pamixer --get-mute)" == "false" ]; then pamixer -m && notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$iDIR/volume-mute.png" "Volume Switched OFF" elif [ "$(pamixer --get-mute)" == "true" ]; then pamixer -u && notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$(get_icon)" "Volume Switched ON" fi } # Toggle Mic toggle_mic() { if [ "$(pamixer --default-source --get-mute)" == "false" ]; then pamixer --default-source -m && notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$iDIR/microphone-mute.png" "Microphone Switched OFF" elif [ "$(pamixer --default-source --get-mute)" == "true" ]; then pamixer -u --default-source u && notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$iDIR/microphone.png" "Microphone Switched ON" fi } # Get icons get_mic_icon() { current=$(pamixer --default-source --get-volume) if [[ "$current" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "$iDIR/microphone.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "0") && ("$current" -le "30") ]]; then echo "$iDIR/microphone.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "30") && ("$current" -le "60") ]]; then echo "$iDIR/microphone.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "60") && ("$current" -le "100") ]]; then echo "$iDIR/microphone.png" fi } # Notify notify_mic_user() { notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$(get_mic_icon)" "Mic-Level : $(pamixer --default-source --get-volume) %" } # Increase MIC Volume inc_mic_volume() { pamixer --default-source -i 5 && notify_mic_user } # Decrease MIC Volume dec_mic_volume() { pamixer --default-source -d 5 && notify_mic_user } # Execute accordingly if [[ "$1" == "--get" ]]; then get_volume elif [[ "$1" == "--inc" ]]; then inc_volume elif [[ "$1" == "--dec" ]]; then dec_volume elif [[ "$1" == "--toggle" ]]; then toggle_mute elif [[ "$1" == "--toggle-mic" ]]; then toggle_mic elif [[ "$1" == "--get-icon" ]]; then get_icon elif [[ "$1" == "--get-mic-icon" ]]; then get_mic_icon elif [[ "$1" == "--mic-inc" ]]; then inc_mic_volume elif [[ "$1" == "--mic-dec" ]]; then dec_mic_volume else get_volume fi
Then add the following (or edit any existing binds):
# Volume bind = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/volume --inc bind = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/volume --dec bind = , XF86AudioMicMute, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/volume --toggle-mic bind = , XF86AudioMute, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/volume --toggle
Screen backlight notifications
First create the following script:
!/usr/bin/env bash iDIR="$HOME/.config/mako/icons" # Get brightness get_backlight() { LIGHT=$(printf "%.0f\n" $(brightnessctl g)) echo "${LIGHT}" } # Get icons get_icon() { current="$(get_backlight)" if [[ ("$current" -ge "0") && ("$current" -le "19200") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-20.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "19200") && ("$current" -le "38400") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-40.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "38400") && ("$current" -le "57600") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-60.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "57600") && ("$current" -le "76800") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-80.png" elif [[ ("$current" -ge "76800") && ("$current" -le "96000") ]]; then icon="$iDIR/brightness-100.png" fi } # Notify notify_user() { notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$icon" "Brightness : $(get_backlight)" } # Increase brightness inc_backlight() { brightnessctl s +5% && get_icon && notify_user } # Decrease brightness dec_backlight() { brightnessctl s 5%- && get_icon && notify_user } # Execute accordingly if [[ "$1" == "--get" ]]; then get_backlight elif [[ "$1" == "--inc" ]]; then inc_backlight elif [[ "$1" == "--dec" ]]; then dec_backlight else get_backlight fi
Then add the following (or edit any existing binds):
# Screen brightness bind = , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/backlight --inc bind = , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/backlight --dec
Keyboard language notifications
To run this script, you need a command-line JSON processor gojqAUR.
First create the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash icon="$HOME/.config/mako/icons/language.png" # Get language get_lang() { lang=$(hyprctl devices -j | gojq -r '.keyboards[] | select(.name == "at-translated-set-2-keyboard") | .active_keymap' | cut -c 1-2 | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z') case $lang in en) lang="English language" ;; ru) lang="Русский язык" ;; uk) lang="Українська мова" ;; esac echo $lang } # Notify notify-send -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:sys-notify -u low -i "$icon" "$(get_lang)"
Then add the following (or edit any existing binds):
device:at-translated-set-2-keyboard { kb_layout = us,ru,ua kb_variant = lang kb_options = grp:win_space_toggle } # Language bind = SUPER, SPACE, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/lang
Power control
Hyprland requires a wayland-compatible external application for power control. Using nwg-bar as an example, we simply need to bind it as follows:
... bind = SUPER, ESCAPE, exec, nwg-bar ...
Wayland clipboard behaviour deletes data when closing the application we copied it from. Other desktop environments work around this by using dedicated clipboard managers and on Hyprland there are multiple compatible choices. See the upstream Wiki for more information.
This section will cover cliphist as it supports copying images as well as text, start by adding the following:
... exec-once = wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store exec-once = wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store ...
Then create a bind to call the history in your chosen application launcher:
... bind = SUPER, V, exec, cliphist list | wofi --dmenu | cliphist decode | wl-copy ...
Now pressing Super+v
will open up a wofi
window with a clipboard history list.
Enable/disable devices
To enable/disable devices (e.g. touchpad), first use
$ hyprctl devices
to get the name of your device.
Put these lines of code into your configuration file (replace <device_name> with the name of your device queried above) to turn the device on/off:
device:<device_name> { enabled = {true/false} }
To dynamically switch the device on/off use hyprctl:
$ hyprctl keyword "device:<device_name>:enabled" {true|false}
You can also create a keybinding, e.g.:
... bind = $mainMod, t, exec, hyprctl keyword "device:pixa3854:00-093a:0274-touchpad:enabled" false bind = $mainMod Shift, t, exec, hyprctl keyword "device:pixa3854:00-093a:0274-touchpad:enabled" true ...
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland is using a lot of CPU
This is a known bug [2] that should be resolved in the latest Git build. You can work around it by calling the nuclear script[устаревшая ссылка 2024-11-05 ⓘ] from the Hyprland wiki in your hyprland.conf
Native (wayland) electron apps flickering on NVIDIA
It is a widespread issue among NVIDIA users on Hyprland [3], [4] because of lack of support for explicit sync in Hyprland [5]. Recommended temporary fix is using X11 (XWayland) with the problematic apps by passing them --ozone-platform-hint=x11
, or setting env = ELECTRON_OZONE_PLATFORM_HINT,x11
in ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
to force all electron apps to run using XWayland.