Talk:Clevo NL51RU

From ArchWiki

Function keys: getting the real value of the keys that e.g suspend the device

Nice work on the page so far. I noticed the description of some function keys that suspend the device or toggle airplane mode. These are usually bound by systemd-logind, so xev and similar tools will not see them because systemd-logind catches them before they even reach Xorg or whatever display server is used, this will also be logged into your journal (e.g "Suspend key pressed."). However, there is a handy little tool which inhibits the handling of those buttons, systemd-inhibit. I dealt with this already and documented this in the page of my laptop. The "airplane mode" can be XF86RFKill, this is also usually visible via xev and similar tools. There may[citation needed] be kernel modules which "obstruct" this but this should hopefully be very uncommon.

I will make sure to document this either on the Laptop page guidelines or Laptop page. Do not hesitate to leave some feedback on the talk page if you encounter anything that is unclear.

NetSysFire (talk) 21:58, 9 March 2021 (UTC)Reply[reply]