
From ArchWiki

Railo (pronounced "Rhylo"), is the name of the CFML engine. At the moment it is one of the products of Railo Technologies GmbH, the company behind Railo Server.


For installation, visit and download the (32-bit) or (64-bit) binary installer.

Make sure the installer is executable, run:

# chmod +x railo-*.bin

Note: You must accept the license to install the application, after that everything is your preference. Also, since switching to Systemd the "Start Railo at boot" option will no longer work, please see #Railo_Systemd_Service for the actual Systemd service. Finally, if you wish to install the Apache Railo connector, see #Running_Railo_behind_Apache before installing the connector.

Now begin the installation process, run:

# ./railo*.bin