User:Christopher Gray/gPodder

From ArchWiki

Turn gPodder into a client for the Music Player Daemon

Tell gPodder to put the podcasts where MPD can find them

In these examples, MPD has been previously configured to look for its music in ~/Music for the user christopher. Either set the environment variable GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/home/christopher/Music/Podcasts/ or put a symlink in the ~/Music directory that points to the directory where gPodder has stored your podcasts.

Put this shell script in ~/bin/ or wherever

if [ "$(echo "$1" | cut -b-4)" = "http" ]; then
    /usr/bin/mpc pause
    /usr/bin/mpc insert "$1"
    /usr/bin/mpc toggle
    /usr/bin/notify-send -i gpodder "$1 inserted to next spot in playlist."
    /usr/bin/mpc pause
    /usr/bin/mpc add "Podcasts/$(echo "$1" | cut -d"/" -f6-)"
    /usr/bin/mpc toggle
    /usr/bin/notify-send -i gpodder "$(echo "$1" | cut -d"/" -f7-)" "added to end of playlist."

and mark it executable: chmod +x ~/bin/

Install mpc

pacman -S mpc

Configure gPodder

Inside gPodder preferences/General, change the Audio Player Command to /home/christopher/bin/ %F or to wherever you put the shell script.