
From ArchWiki

Wine 是一款可以在类 unix 操作系统上运行微软 Windows 应用程序的兼容层。在 Wine 中运行的程序可以像本地程序一样运行,而不会像模拟器那样影响性能/内存。



可以通过启用multilib 库来 安装 wine (稳定) 或 wine-staging (测试) 包。 Wine Staging Wine Staging 是Wine的修补版本 Wine, 其中包含了 bug 修复和尚未集成到稳定或开发分支中的特性。

另请参阅 # 图形驱动程序# 声音以了解其他需求。

可以考虑为依赖于 Internet Explorer 和 .NET 的应用程序分别安装wine-geckowine-mono。这些软件包并不是严格要求的,因为 Wine 会根据需要下载相关文件。但是,提前下载文件可以让您离线工作,这样 Wine 就不会为每个需要它们的 Wine 前缀下载文件。


这些都有自己的社区和网站,并不受主要葡萄酒社区的支持。详情请参阅Wine Wiki

  • CrossOver — Wine 的付费商业版,提供更全面的终端用户支持。 || crossoverAUR
  • exe-thumbnailer — 为 Windows 可执行文件(. exe、 . lnk、 . msi 和. dll)生成缩略图。 || exe-thumbnailerAUR
  • Lutris — 所有类型游戏的游戏启动器,包括 Wine 游戏(带前缀管理)、原生 Linux 游戏和模拟器。 || lutris
  • PlayOnLinux — Wine 的图形化前缀管理器。包含帮助程序安装和配置的脚本。 || playonlinux
  • Proton — Compatibility tool 基于Wine和其他部件为[Wikipedia:Steam]制造的Proton兼容性工具。兼容性列表见 ProtonDB
list. ||
  • PyWinery — Wine 的简单图形化前缀管理器。 || pywineryAUR
  • Q4Wine — Wine 的图形前缀管理器。可以将 Qt 主题导出到 Wine 配置中,以便更好地集成。 || q4wineAUR[broken link: package not found]
  • Bottles — 基于 GTK 的 Wine 的图形化前缀和管理器。 || bottlesAUR



  • winecfg 是 Wine 的 GUI 配置工具,可以通过运行winecfg启动它。
  • regedit 是 Wine 的注册表编辑工具,可以通过运行regedit 来启动。See WineHQ's article on Useful Registry Keys.
  • control 是 Wine 的 Windows 控件面板的实现,它可以通过运行wine control来启动。
  • 完整列表见 WineHQ 的命令列表


默认情况下,Wine 将其配置文件和安装的 Windows 程序存储在 ~/.wine 。这个目录通常被称为“ Wine prefix”或“ Wine bottle”。当您运行 Windows 程序或 Wine 的捆绑程序(如 winecfg)时,它会自动创建/更新。前缀目录还包含一个目录,您的 Windows 程序将其视为 c: (C盘)。

你可以使用 WINEPREFIX环境变量覆盖 Wine 使用的前缀位置。如果您希望为不同的 Windows 程序使用单独的配置,这将非常有用。第一次运行带有新 Wine 前缀的程序时,Wine 将自动创建一个带有 c 驱动器和注册表的目录。

例如,如果您运行一个带有$ env WINEPREFIX=~/.win-a wine program-a.exe的程序,和另一个 $ env WINEPREFIX=~/.win-b wine program-b.exe这两个程序将分别有一个单独的 c 驱动器和单独的注册。

{{注意: Wine不是沙箱!在 Wine 下运行的程序仍然可以访问系统的其余部分!(例如, Z: 映射到 /, 与 Wine 前缀无关).}}

若要在不运行 Windows 程序或其他 GUI 工具的情况下创建默认前缀,可以使用:

$ env WINEPREFIX=~/.customprefix wineboot -u


Wine will start a 64-bit environment by default. You can change this behavior using the WINEARCH environment variable. Rename your ~/.wine directory and create a new Wine environment by running $ WINEARCH=win32 winecfg. This will get you a 32-bit Wine environment. Not setting WINEARCH will get you a 64-bit one.

You can combine this with WINEPREFIX to make a separate win32 and win64 environment:

$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winecfg
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win64 winecfg

You can also use WINEARCH in combination with other Wine programs, such as winetricks (using Steam as an example):

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefixes/steam winetricks steam

In order to see the architecture of an existing prefix you can check its registry file. The command below reads the system registry of the ~/.wine prefix and returns #arch=win32 or #arch=win64 depending on the architecture type:

$ grep '#arch' ~/.wine/system.reg

Graphics drivers

You need to install the 32-bit version of your graphics driver. Please install the package that is listed in the OpenGL (multilib) column in the table in Xorg#Driver installation.

A good sign that your drivers are inadequate or not properly configured is when Wine reports the following in your terminal window:

Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers have not been installed correctly
Note: You might need to restart X after having installed the correct library.


By default sound issues may arise when running Wine applications. Ensure only one sound device is selected in winecfg.

Install the correct packages for the audio driver you want to use:

Additional packages:

  • Games that use advanced sound systems (e.g. TESV: Skyrim) may additionally require installations of lib32-openal.

If winecfg still fails to detect the audio driver (Selected driver: (none)), configure it via the registry. For example, in a case where the microphone was not working in a 32-bit Windows application on a 64-bit stock install of wine-1.9.7, this provided full access to the sound hardware (sound playback and mic): open regedit, look for the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Wine → Drivers, and add a string called Audio and give it the value alsa. Also, it may help to recreate the prefix.

MIDI support

MIDI 是90年代流行的电子游戏音乐系统。如果你正在尝试旧的游戏,这是不寻常的音乐不会发挥出来的盒子。 葡萄酒有很好的 MIDI 支持。但是,您首先需要使它在您的主机系统上工作,如MIDI 中所解释的。最后但并非最不重要的是,您需要确保 Wine 将使用正确的 MIDI 输出。

Other dependencies

Some applications may require additional packages for the following purposes:


如果 Wine 应用程序没有显示易读的字体,则可能没有安装任何字体。轻松链接所有的系统字体,使他们可以从Wine:

$ cd ${WINEPREFIX:-~/.wine}/drive_c/windows/Fonts && for i in /usr/share/fonts/**/*.{ttf,otf}; do ln -s "$i" ; 来完成

使用 FreeType 渲染字体,而 FreeType 的默认设置在几个版本之前已经改变了。尝试在葡萄酒项目中使用这种环境设置:


另一种可能性是在葡萄酒前缀中安装微软的 TrueType 字体。 See MS Fonts. If this does not help, try running winetricks corefonts first, then winetricks allfonts as a last resort.

运行此类程序后,关闭所有 Wine 服务并运行 winecfg 。字体现在应该是可读的。

如果字体看起来模糊不清,导入以下文本文件到 Wine 注册表regedit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]

对于高分辨率显示,可以在 winecfg 中调整 dpi 值。

See also Font configuration#Applications without fontconfig support.

Enable font smoothing

提高Wine染效果的一个好方法是使用明显的字体平滑。/n要启用“次像素平滑(ClearType) RGB”:

cat << EOF > /tmp/fontsmoothing

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

WINE=${WINE:-wine} WINEPREFIX=${WINEPREFIX:-$HOME/.wine} $WINE regedit /tmp/fontsmoothing 2> /dev/null

For more information, check the original answer

Desktop launcher menus

当 Windows 应用程序安装程序创建一个快捷方式时,Wine 创建一个.desktopArch Linux 中这些文件的默认位置是:

  • Desktop shortcuts are put in ~/Desktop
  • Start menu shortcuts are put in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/
Note: Wine does not support installing Windows applications for all users, so it will not put .desktop files in /usr/share/applications. See WineHQ bug 11112
Tip: If menu items were not created while installing software or have been lost, wine winemenubuilder may be of some use.

Creating menu entries for Wine utilities

默认情况下,Wine 的安装不会为 Wine 附带的软件创建桌面菜单/图标(例如“ winecfg”、“ winebroserer”等)。这可以通过安装wine-installerAURwine-installer-git AURmeta-package (后者没有附加依赖项)来实现,否则这些说明将为这些应用程序添加条目。

首先,使用 Wine 安装一个 Windows 程序来创建基本菜单。创建基本菜单后,可以在 ~/.local/share/applications/wine/:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Browse C: Drive
Comment=Browse your virtual C: drive
Exec=wine winebrowser c:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Uninstall Wine Software
Comment=Uninstall Windows applications for Wine
Exec=wine uninstaller
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Configure Wine
Comment=Change application-specific and general Wine options

And create the following file in ~/.config/menus/applications-merged/:
<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"

如果这些设置产生了一个难看的/不存在的图标,这意味着在您所启用的图标集中没有这些启动程序的图标。您应该将图标设置替换为所需图标的显式位置。单击启动器属性菜单中的图标将会产生同样的效果。一个优秀的图标集,支持这些捷径是 GNOME-colors.

Removing menu entries

由 Wine 创建的菜单条目位于 ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/. 除了通过 Wine 删除不需要的扩展绑定,还可以执行以下命令(摘自 Wine 官网) :

$ rm ~/.local/share/mime/packages/x-wine*
$ rm ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension*
$ rm ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/*/*/application-x-wine-extension*
$ rm ~/.local/share/mime/application/x-wine-extension*

Sometimes you should also remove wine-*.menu files from /.config/menus/ to completely remove items from wine submenu in kde.


类似于 xp 外观的主题可以在 下载. To install it, see this upstream wiki article. Lastly, use winecfg to select it.

Note: 上面链接的主题只能安装在32位前缀上,前缀版本为 windowsxp。要将其安装在64位前缀上,可能需要创建一个临时的32位前缀,install the theme and copy the Zune folder and Zune.theme files from drive_c/Windows/Resources/Themes in that prefix to the same location in your usual prefix.

Wine staging users may instead want to try enabling the option Enable GTK3 Theming under the Staging section of winecfg for a theme that matches the current GTK theme.


In order to use your installed printers (both local and network) with wine applications in win32 prefixes (e.g. MS Word), install the lib32-libcups package, reboot wine (wineboot) and restart your wine application.


After installation, the lib32-gnutls package may need to be installed for applications making TLS or HTTPS connections to work.

For ICMP (ping), Wine may need the network access as described in the WineHQ FAQ:

# setcap cap_net_raw+epi /usr/bin/wine-preloader

If issues arise after this (such as an unhandled exception or privileged instruction), remove via:

# setcap -r /usr/bin/wine-preloader


Warning: Do not run or install Wine applications as root! See Wine FAQ for details.

See Wine User's Guide for general information on Wine usage.

See Wine Application Database (AppDB) for additional information on specific Windows applications in Wine.


Currently Wine does not support Wayland directly, but you can use XWayland instead.

There are some efforts to support Wayland though:

  • Experimental Wayland driver for Wine, which supports using OpenGL- and Windows GDI-applications. See this and this wine-devel maillist entries.
  • wine-wayland: a custom version of Wine, which supports Wayland via Vulkan (so it supports only: DirectX 9, 10 and 11 via #DXVK and Vulkan-compatible applications).

Tips and tricks


Often you may need to run .exe's to patch game files, for example a widescreen mod for an old game, and running the .exe normally through Wine might yield nothing happening. In this case, you can open a terminal and run the following command:

$ wineconsole cmd

Then navigate to the directory and run the .exe file from there.


Winetricks is a script to allow one to install base requirements needed to run Windows programs. Installable components include DirectX 9.x, MSXML (required by Microsoft Office 2007 and Internet Explorer), Visual Runtime libraries and many more.

Install the winetricks package (or alternatively winetricks-gitAUR). Then run it with:

$ winetricks

For using GUI you should install the zenity.



CSMT is a technology used by Wine to use a separate thread for the OpenGL calls to improve performance noticeably. Since Wine 3.2, CSMT is enabled by default. However, CSMT support needs to be enabled manually for Wine versions lower than 3.2. For vanilla Wine run wine regedit and set the DWORD value for HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software > Wine > Direct3D > csmt to 0x01 (enabled). For wine-staging run winecfg and enable it in the staging tab.

Note that CSMT may actually hurt performance for some applications - if this is the case, disable it by creating/setting the registry value to 0x00 (disabled).

Further information:

Force OpenGL mode in games

Some games might have an OpenGL mode which may perform better than their default DirectX mode. While the steps to enable OpenGL rendering is application specific, many games accept the -opengl parameter.

$ wine /path/to/3d_game.exe -opengl

You should of course refer to your application's documentation and Wine's AppDB for such application specific information.


DXVK is a promising new implementation for DirectX 9, 10 & 11 over Vulkan. This should allow for greater performance, and in some cases, even better compatibility. Battlefield 1 for example, only runs under DXVK. On the other hand, DXVK does not support all Wine games (yet).

To use it, install dxvk-binAUR. Then run the following command to activate it in your Wineprefix (by default ~/.wine):

$ WINEPREFIX=your-prefix setup_dxvk install
Note: For Wine versions below 3.5 you need to configure Vulkan support manually, following the instructions at GitHub.
Warning: DXVK overrides the DirectX 10 and 11 DLLs, which may be considered cheating in online multiplayer games, and may get your account banned. Use at your own risk!

Gallium Nine

With the open-source gallium-based drivers (mostly AMD and Intel cards) there is a Gallium Direct3D state tracker that aims to provide nearly-native performance for DirectX 9. In most cases it has less visual glitches than the upstream wine and doubles the performances. It consumes much less CPU time than CSMT.

Install wine-nine to use it. This is a standalone package that can be installed with any Wine version. Use wine ninewinecfg to check if it is enabled.

For older Intel graphics (gen4-7: GMA 3000, GMA 4500, HD 2000-5000; year 2006-2014) Crocus Gallium driver should be used instead of i965 since Mesa 21.2. Export the following environment variable before running Wine:


Unregister existing Wine file associations

By default, Wine takes over as the default application for a lot of formats. Some (e.g. vbs or chm) are Windows-specific, and opening them with Wine can be a convenience. However, having other formats (e.g. gif, jpeg, txt, js) open in Wine's bare-bones simulations of Internet Explorer and Notepad can be annoying.

Wine's file associations are set in ~/.local/share/applications/ as wine-extension-extension.desktop files. Delete the files corresponding to the extensions you want to unregister. Or, to remove all wine extensions:

$ rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension*.desktop
$ rm -f ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/*/*/application-x-wine-extension*

Next, remove the old cache:

$ rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache
$ rm -f ~/.local/share/mime/packages/x-wine*
$ rm -f ~/.local/share/mime/application/x-wine-extension*

And, update the cache:

$ update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
$ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime/

Please note Wine will still create new file associations and even recreate the file associations if the application sets the file associations again.

Prevent Wine from creating filetype associations

Note: This has to be done for each WINEPREFIX which should not update file associations unless you opt to change /usr/share/wine/wine.inf .

This method prevents the creation of filetype associations but retains the creation of XDG .desktop files (that you might see e.g. in menus).

If you want to stop wine from creating filetype associations via winecfg you have to uncheck the "Manage File Associations" checkbox under the Desktop Integration tab. See Wine FAQ

To make the same change via registry add the string Enable with value N under:


You might have to create the key FileOpenAssociations first!

If you want to apply this by default for new WINEPREFIXES, edit /usr/share/wine/wine.inf and add this line for example under the [Services] section:


To prevent a package upgrade from overriding the modified file, create a pacman hook to make the change automatically:

Operation = Install
Operation = Upgrade
Type = Path
Target = usr/share/wine/wine.inf

Description = Stopping Wine from hijacking file associations...
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/grep -q "HKCU,\"Software\\\Wine\\\FileOpenAssociations\",\"Enable\",2,\"N\"" /usr/share/wine/wine.inf || /usr/bin/sed -i "s/\[Services\]/\[Services\]\nHKCU,\"Software\\\Wine\\\FileOpenAssociations\",\"Enable\",2,\"N\"/g" /usr/share/wine/wine.inf'

See Pacman#Hooks

Execute Windows binaries with Wine implicitly

The wine package installs a binfmt file which will allows you to run Windows programs directly, e.g. ./myprogram.exe will launch as if you had typed wine ./myprogram.exe. Service starts by default on boot, if you have not rebooted after installing Wine you can start systemd-binfmt.service to use it right away.

Note: Make sure the Windows binary is executable, otherwise the binary will not run.

Dual Head with different resolutions

If you have issues with dual-head setups and different display resolutions you are probably missing lib32-libxrandr.

Also installing lib32-libxinerama might fix dual-head issues with wine (for example, unclickable buttons and menus of application in the right most or bottom most monitor, not redrawable interface of application in that zone, dragging mouse cursor state stucked after leaving application area).

Burning optical media

To burn CDs or DVDs, you will need to load the sg kernel module.

Proper mounting of optical media images

Some applications will check for the optical media to be in drive. They may check for data only, in which case it might be enough to configure the corresponding path as being a CD-ROM drive in winecfg. However, other applications will look for a media name and/or a serial number, in which case the image has to be mounted with these special properties.

Some virtual drive tools do not handle these metadata, like fuse-based virtual drives (Acetoneiso for instance). CDemu will handle it correctly.

Show FPS overlay in games

Wine features an embedded FPS monitor which works for all graphical applications if the environment variable WINEDEBUG=fps is set. This will output the framerate to stdout. You can display the FPS on top of the window thanks to osd_cat from the xosd package. See for a helper script.

Running Wine under a separate user account

It may be desirable to run Wine under a specifically created user account in order to reduce concerns about Windows applications having access to your home directory.

First, create a user account for Wine:

# useradd -m -s /bin/bash wineuser

Now switch to another TTY and start your X WM or DE as you normally would or keep reading...

Note: The following approach only works when enabling root for Xorg. See Xorg#Rootless Xorg for more information on how to execute the xhost command under your main user.

Afterwards, in order to open Wine applications using this new user account you need to add the new user to the X server permissions list:

$ xhost +SI:localuser:wineuser

Finally, you can run Wine via the following command, which uses env to launch Wine with the environment variables it expects:

$ sudo -u wineuser env HOME=/home/wineuser USER=wineuser USERNAME=wineuser LOGNAME=wineuser wine arguments

It is possible to automate the process of running Windows applications with Wine via this method by using a shell script as follows:

xhost +SI:localuser:wineuser
sudo -u wineuser env HOME=/home/wineuser USER=wineuser USERNAME=wineuser LOGNAME=wineuser wine "$@"

Wine applications can then be launched via:

$ runaswine "C:\path\to\application.exe"

In order to not be asked for a password each time Wine is run as another user the following entry can be added to the sudoers file: mainuser ALL=(wineuser) NOPASSWD: ALL. See Sudo#Configuration for more information.

It is recommended to run winecfg as the Wine user and remove all bindings for directories outside the home directory of the Wine user in the "Desktop Integration" section of the configuration window so no program run with Wine has read access to any file outside the special user's home directory.

Keep in mind that audio will probably be non-functional in Wine programs which are run this way if PulseAudio is used. See PulseAudio/Examples#Allowing multiple users to share a PulseAudio daemon for information about allowing the Wine user to access the PulseAudio daemon of the principal user.

Temp directory on tmpfs

To prevent Wine from writing its temporary files to a physical disk, one can define an alternative location, like tmpfs. Remove Wine's default directory for temporary files and creating a symlink:

$ rm -r ~/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Temp
$ ln -s /tmp/ ~/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Temp

Prevent installing Mono/Gecko

If Gecko and/or Mono are not present on the system nor in the Wine prefix, Wine will prompt to download them from the internet. If you do not need Gecko and/or Mono, you might want to disable this dialog, by setting the WINEDLLOVERRIDES environment variable to mscoree=d;mshtml=d.


Vulkan support is included, since Wine 3.3. The default Wine Vulkan ICD loader works fine for most applications, but does not support advanced features, like Vulkan layers. To use these features, you have to install the official Vulkan SDK, see step 2-4 on the original Vulkan patches author's GitHub page.

Note: The Wine ICD loader was added in Wine 3.5, you need to install the official Vulkan SDK to use Vulkan in Wine 3.3 and 3.4

Remove Wine file bindings

For security reasons it may be useful to remove the preinstalled Wine bindings so Windows applications cannot be launched directly from a file manager or from the browser (Firefox offers to open EXE files directly with Wine!). If you want to do this, you may add the following to the [options] section in /etc/pacman.conf

NoExtract = usr/lib/binfmt.d/wine.conf
NoExtract = usr/share/applications/wine.desktop


See Wine User's Guide and Wine FAQ (especially its Troubleshooting section) for general tips.

Also refer to the Wine AppDB for an advice on specific applications.

XWayland problems

If you use Wine under XWayland, you can activate the option for "Emulating a virtual desktop" in the Graphics Tab in winecfg, to avoid problems with:

  • flickering;
  • wrong window location;
  • wrong mouse cursor location and clicks;
  • keyboard detection.

Keyboard input doesn't work after unfocusing application

If you encounter this problem, you may be able to fix it by editing the registry: Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver, add a string value UseTakeFocus and set it to N.

Alternatively, you can use winetricks to set the value.

winetricks usetakefocus=n

See also