
From ArchWiki
Name: t.shephard
Country: Canada
Languages: English
Contact: MizZen talk page

Hey there,

I've been using Arch on and off for years, switching between Windows & other Linux distros. It makes sense to contribute to Awesome projects like this.

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Hints / Tips

Copied over form users | Larivact

  • Draft new articles as subpages of your user page
e.g. User:Name/drafts/Article. When the article is ready it can be moved into the main namespace.
  • Draft major rewrites as subpages of your user page.
If the draft is approved it can be gradually copied to the actual article (take care to still produce readable diffs and merge in-between contributions by others).
  • When casual edits become complete rewrites, undo your changes and start a new draft.
  • Put smaller drafts for existing articles on their talk page.