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Grommunio is a digital communication and collaboration software suite. It is build up from a set of different components.

This guide will guide through the basic installation and configuration of the different components to get a working setup.

It tries to fill some gaps, that made the initial start quite difficult and explains which component is working together with other ones.


This chapter will guide through the basic installation of the required packages. It will give a rough overview on what we want to achieve and how to get there.


We assume that we want to have a single node server, that will host all the components we need.

For this we assume that the server has a mta setup and configured (ae. postfix) and further a working mysql database (ae. mariadb)

Optional there should be a directory server (openldap or ActiveDirectory) available. This is not needed to follow this guide but highly recommended to get a complete picture.


This is an list of the grommunio packages that needs installed:

Package list
Package Description
vmimeAUR C++ library for working with RFC-822 and MIME messages
vmime-libonlyAUR C++ library for working with RFC-822 and MIME messages. This one just containes the so files and can be used to install parallel with other ones (ae. Kopano libvmime) to help with migration and / or simultaneous installations
libexmdbppAUR C++ implementation of the exmdb wire protocol
grommunio-mapi-headersAUR[broken link: package not found] PHP mapi headers used in various applications
gromoxAUR[broken link: package not found] Central groupware server component
grommunio-syncAUR[broken link: package not found] ActiveSync synchronisation service
grommunio-webAUR[broken link: package not found] Web application for users
grommunio-admin-apiAUR[broken link: package not found] Central administration API component
grommunio-admin-webAUR[broken link: package not found] Web application for administrators
grommunio-configsAUR[broken link: package not found] Basic set of configuration files for nginx
grommunio-admin-configsAUR[broken link: package not found] Basic set of configuration files for nginx (admin part)
grommunio-indexAUR[broken link: package not found] Indexing service for the web application


This chapter will guide through the initial configuration to get everything up and running.

It is highly recommended to read / follow the official guide along which is the basis for all the tasks that are following.

General information

There will be multiple system user accounts created and used that will separate the needed permissions regarding their needs.

This will be described in more detail during this guide, but for now the following explanation should give a rough overview.

Users / Groups
Name Type Description
grommunio User Administration API user
gromox User Service user for the core services
gromoxcf Group Group that can read core config files
gromoxss Group Group that can access shared resources (in this case zcore socket)

There are more users / groups used by single services to separate and limit the access to the minimum needed ones. Further some users (like http used by nginx) will be added to some groups to be able to access the needed resources (ae. php-fpm sockets).


The first step is to create a database and a user for grommunio and adjust the configuration file. Therefore connect to your database and create a db and user for your setup. The following example is using mariadb as backend.

$ mariadb -u root -p
$ CREATE DATABASE `grommuniodb`;
$ GRANT ALL ON `grommuniodb`.* TO 'grommunio'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'super-secrect-password';
$ quit;

After creating the user, we'll edit the file mysql_adaptor.cfg from the gromox package and change the values to our db ones.

$ vim /etc/gromox/mysql_adaptor.cfg

The schema_upgrade is not required for a single node setup. It is only needed to have one master updating database schema and tell the nodes which one is in charge.

The next step is to create the initial tables by issuing the gromox-dbop command:

$ gromox-dbop -C
dbop: Creating admin_roles
dbop: Creating associations
dbop: Creating configs
dbop: Creating domains
dbop: Creating forwards
dbop: Creating groups
dbop: Creating options
dbop: Creating orgs
dbop: Creating specifieds
dbop: Creating users
dbop: Creating aliases
dbop: Creating mlists
dbop: Creating user_properties
dbop: Creating admin_role_permission_relation
dbop: Creating admin_user_role_relation
dbop: Creating classes
dbop: Creating fetchmail
dbop: Creating secondary_store_hints
dbop: Creating user_devices
dbop: Creating user_device_history
dbop: Creating task_queue
dbop: Creating servers
dbop: Creating orgparam
dbop: Creating altnames

event / timer

gromox-event is a notification daemon for an interprocess channel between gromox-imap/gromox-midb. The config file is '/etc/gromox/timer.cfg' and just contains the state path adopted to my setup:


gromox-timer is an at(1)/atd(8)-like daemon for delayed delivery. There is no explicit configuration delivered for this service.

The timer service listens on port 6666 and the event service on port 33333.

For all possible configuration directives you can refer to their man pages: event and timer

Now we enable and start these services:

$ systemctl enable --now gromox-event
$ systemctl enable --now gromox-timer