
From ArchWiki

Ok Folks, first off this is my first wiki entry so feel free to correct me, I won't be mad and will probably thank you later. now onward...

After searching far and wide the easiest way to get the blackberrys from at&t (to include the bold 9700) is to do the following:

1: follow steps 1-9 here

2: make a /etc/wvdial.conf file look like so:

       [Dialer Defaults]
          Stupid Mode = 1
          Auto DNS = 1
          Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
          Baud = 460800
          Init = ATZ
          Init2 = AT+CGDCONT=2,"IP","isp.cingular"
          Pgone = *99***2#
          Username = "blank"
          Password = "blank" 

save this file

3: now if you are in the console open a console window and type bluez-simple-agent. Make sure it registers.

4: Now, Open another console and type wvdial and hop back to the first console. type in the pin on the phone and screen. if all goes well it will bind.

5: hop back to the wvdial terminal and you should see wvdial doing it's thing and giving you a ip address. Happy surfing.