
From ArchWiki

Hi everyone :p

I'm a french geek, guitarist, Arch Linux fan and free-software enthusiast, studying engineering in computer science at the esiea[1]

I program in C, C++, PHP, a little bit of python, bash an some useless strange stuff :p

I'm also very interested on video game's development, and in particular in VR. Sadly enough, the Oculus SDK doesn't support Linux anymore, so I'm stuck with Windows for that. I develop a VR C++ Game Engine called Annwvyn, it's free under the MIT license, and it's on GitHub [2]

I'm a vim user but I also love Emacs actually no. Vim is the editor. Use vim plugins in CLion, Visual Studio and Vimperator for Firefox and unleash the power of your keyboard. (just half joking here).

I blog here : [3]

You can follow me on twitter if you want : [4]