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From Wikipedia:

Openfire (previously known as Wildfire, and Jive Messenger) is an instant messaging (IM) and groupchat server for the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).
It is written in Java and licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Installation on local PC in LAN

This article or section is being considered for removal.

Reason: This section is the same as on a "remote server" but wouldn't actually function because no external XMPP servers would be able to establish s2s connections through the firewall on a LAN due to NAT (Discuss in Talk:Openfire)


Make sure the PC that is supposed to run the Openfire server is safe / behind a firewall - as soon as it is started, the admin interfaces becomes available to anyone who has access to port 9090 and 9091.

For a local server on a PC, the integrated Database of Openfire will suffice under most circumstances. If an unusual amount of traffic is expected and the PC lacks RAM, a MySQL database can be used instead (See #Create database on remote).

Install openfire and start the openfire.service.

Open in a web browser to complete the setup process, then log in as admin and review the settings.

Installation on remote server

Create database on remote

Warning: Changing database related settings later might require partial or complete reconfiguration even if migrated correctly.

Openfire can create its own flat file database (which is a list of mysql commands, executed and kept in RAM), that should be considered as an alternative because the java program does not support unix sockets out of the box. Check if TCP/IP is disabled:

$ grep -n skip-networking /etc/mysql/my.cnf

( comment out the option / use bind-address = instead to allow loopback TCP/IP or alternatively #Add unix socket support )

A working MySQL server needs to be installed to create an external database for Openfire like this:

> CREATE DATABASE openfire_db;
> CREATE USER 'openfire_usr'@'localhost';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openfire_db.* TO 'openfire_usr'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
> quit;

Install & start Openfire on remote

Install the openfire package.

The Openfire admin interface will listen on port 9090 and 9091 of your server by default. Adding <inteface></inteface>" can probably (untested) be used to temporarily secure the server if the ports are not properly firewalled.

        <!-- Disable either port by setting the value to -1 -->

start openfire.service on the remote server. Test if the admin interface is accessible locally with curl:

$ curl -v && echo Yay, it works!

Configuration (from PC)

The server should not be accessible from the client yet:

$ curl -v && echo Oh no, it works!

Start an ssh tunnel from your PC to your server:

$ ssh -L -N 9090:localhost:9090 -p22

Now connecting to the remote web interface should work - use a web-browser to access, which should start setup and guide through the process.

Database for setup:


( use and the username / password as created earlier )

After the setup is complete, log in with the user name admin (just "admin". Not as the previous web form suggests "the email address for admin").

Default settings of special interest

Openfire is configured "ready to go" by default. Before the server is exposed to the world, the following settings should be checked to make sure this is really what the instance is supposed to do / allow.

  • Server > Server Settings > Registration & Login:
    • New users accounts can automatically be created by everyone through applications that support it
    • Anonymous login without accounts is allowed
  • Server > Server Settings > Offline Messages:
    • Each user can store up to 100kb of data
  • Server > Server Settings > File Transfer Settings:
    • Openfire acts as a file transfer proxy

Remote server after configuration

A list of ports can be found on the index page of the administration interface or with netstat -tulpen | grep java. Assuming no enabled components need UDP (like jingle media proxy?) and you do not want the admin web interface exposed to the world, the following iptables rules should suffice to make Openfire work:

$ openfire_ports=(5222:5223 7070 7443 5269 5275:5276 5262:5263 7777 5229);
$ for port in $openfire_ports; do 
    echo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT; done;
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5222:5223 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7070 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7443 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5269 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5275:5276 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5262:5263 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7777 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5229 -j ACCEPT

Tips and tricks

Add unix socket support

Connecting to database via unix socket with a java application requires a jdbc driver with an implementation of socketFactory. [MariaDB] Connector/J supports auth over socket since version 1.4. and can be install via mariadb-jdbcAUR, which also requires jnaAUR (Java Native Access) to work with unix sockets. Install both.

The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

Reason: This systemd service override does not seem to do what I imagined it would, so use the workaround in next paragraph instead unless you know how to make it work: (Discuss in Talk:Openfire)
#override ExecStart
# added the 2 AUR packages to class path
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -server -DopenfireHome=/usr/share/openfire -Dopenfire.lib.dir=/usr/lib/openfire -cp "/usr/lib/openfire/startup.jar:/usr/share/java/mariadb-jdbc/mariadb-java-client.jar:/usr/share/java/jna.jar" -jar /usr/lib/openfire/startup.jar

Instead this works for now (but is kind of ugly):

# ln /usr/share/java/mariadb-jdbc/mariadb-java-client.jar /usr/lib/openfire/
# ln /usr/share/java/jna.jar /usr/lib/openfire/

If openfire setup was already completed using a TCP/IP connection to the same database, switch to the new driver by changing the xml configuration:


When using the setup interface instead, choose "MySQK" and enter the values of driver and serverURL into the "JDBC Driver Class" and "Database URL" fields of the web form respectively.

Restart the openfire.service - it can be necessary to start the setup interface again (#Configuration (from PC)) afterwards.

Using multiple domains

Openfire does not support multiple domains / vhosts like prosody does, but it works with an LDAP-server that provides authentication for multiple domains.

Users from different domains can then login and communicate normally, but this is messy; side-effects may include but are not limited to:

  • unlisted users
  • need to create users manually
  • users from other domains showing up as members of default domain
  • users from other domains conflicting with same name users from other domains
  • SSL certificate errors (separate certificates for different domains not possible)