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Package Maintainers

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(Redirected from Trusted User)

Package Maintainers (previously called Trusted Users) are an official Arch Linux staff role. Package Maintainers fulfill the following tasks:

  • Maintain packages in the official repositories (aside from the core one).
  • Maintain, manage, and watch over the operation of the AUR.

The generic term "package maintainer" is also used to describe any person maintaining a package, regardless of the repository, as described in Arch terminology#Package maintainer.

How do I become a Package Maintainer?

The minimum requirements to becoming a Package Maintainer are as follows:

  • know basic shell scripting
  • maintain a few packages in AUR with clean, high-quality PKGBUILDs
  • basic community involvement (mailing list, forums, IRC)
  • proficiency with web search
  • a general idea of the kind of packages you want to maintain (basically, why do you want to become Package Maintainer?)

Even though you could become a Package Maintainer by merely fulfilling those minimum requirements, the people judging you during the standard voting procedure might expect more from you. Such as:

  • involvement in the bug tracker (reporting, research, info)
  • patches for Arch projects
  • involvement in a few open-source projects (even if they are your own)

If you still feel up to becoming a Package Maintainer after reading these lines, the first step is to find two Package Maintainers who agree to sponsor you. Once sponsored, you should write a witty application signed with your GPG key to the aur-general mailing list.

Note: Should a Package Maintainer you contact decline to sponsor your application, you should make this fact known if you seek sponsorship from another Package Maintainer.

For more information, see the Package Maintainer Bylaws and Package Maintainer guidelines.

Active Package Maintainers

See https://archlinux.org/people/package-maintainers/

Past Package Maintainers

See https://archlinux.org/people/package-maintainer-fellows/