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Uncomplicated Firewall

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From the project home page:

Ufw stands for Uncomplicated Firewall, and is a program for managing a netfilter firewall. It provides a command line interface and aims to be uncomplicated and easy to use.
Note: It should be noted that UFW can use either iptables or nftables as the back-end firewall. Users accustomed to calling UFW to manage rules do not need to take any actions to learn underlying calls to iptables or to nftables thanks to nft accepting iptables syntax, for example within /etc/ufw/before.rules.


Install the ufw package.

Start and enable ufw.service to make it available at boot. Note that this will not work if iptables.service is also enabled (and same for its ipv6 counterpart).

Basic configuration

A very simplistic configuration which will deny all by default, allow any protocol from inside a LAN, and allow incoming Deluge and rate limited SSH traffic from anywhere:

# ufw default deny
# ufw allow from
# ufw allow Deluge
# ufw limit ssh

To allow a port instead from anywhere use the following example to allow port 51312 UDP and TCP, port 51312 only UDP or a port range from 51312 to 51314:

# ufw allow 51312
# ufw allow 51312/udp
# ufw allow 51312:51314

The next line is only needed once the first time you install the package:

# ufw enable
Note: Make sure ufw.service has been enabled.

Finally, query the rules being applied via the status command:

# ufw status
Status: active
To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
Anywhere                   ALLOW
Deluge                     ALLOW       Anywhere
SSH                        LIMIT       Anywhere
Note: The status report is limited to rules added by the user. For most cases this will be what is needed, but it is good to be aware that builtin-rules do exist. These include filters to allow UPNP, AVAHI and DHCP replies; for details consult the "Default ruleset" section in the ufw README.

Extra information, including the default policies, can be seen with

# ufw status verbose

but this is still limited to user-specified rules. In order to see all rules setup

# ufw show raw 

may be used, as well as further reports listed in the manpage. Since these reports also summarize traffic, they may be somewhat difficult to read. Another way to check for accepted traffic:

# iptables -S | grep ACCEPT
# ip6tables -S | grep ACCEPT

While this works just fine for reporting, keep in mind not to enable the iptables service as long as you use ufw for managing it.

Note: If special network variables are set on the system in /etc/sysctl.d/*, it may be necessary to update /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf accordingly since this configuration overrides the default settings.

Forward policy

Users needing to run a VPN such as OpenVPN or WireGuard can adjust the DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY variable in /etc/default/ufw from a value of "DROP" to "ACCEPT" to forward all packets regardless of the settings of the user interface. To forward for a specific interface like wg0, user can add the following line in the *filter block

# End required lines 

-A ufw-before-forward -i wg0 -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-forward -o wg0 -j ACCEPT

You may also need to uncomment


Adding other applications

The PKG comes with some defaults based on the default ports of many common daemons and programs. Inspect the options by looking in the /etc/ufw/applications.d directory or by listing them in the program itself:

# ufw app list

If users are running any of the applications on a non-standard port, it is recommended to simply make /etc/ufw/applications.d/custom containing the needed data using the defaults as a guide.

Warning: If users modify any of the PKG provided rule sets, these will be overwritten the first time the ufw package is updated. This is why custom app definitions need to reside in a non-PKG file as recommended above!

Example, deluge with custom tcp ports that range from 20202-20205:

description=Deluge BitTorrent client

Should you require to define both tcp and udp ports for the same application, simply separate them with a pipe as shown: this app opens tcp ports 10000-10002 and udp port 10003:


One can also use a comma to define ports if a range is not desired. This example opens tcp ports 10000-10002 (inclusive) and udp ports 10003 and 10009


Deleting applications

Drawing on the Deluge/Deluge-my example above, the following will remove the standard Deluge rules and replace them with the Deluge-my rules from the above example:

# ufw delete allow Deluge
# ufw allow Deluge-my

Query the result via the status command:

# ufw status
Status: active
To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
Anywhere                   ALLOW
SSH                        ALLOW       Anywhere
Deluge-my                  ALLOW       Anywhere

Black listing IP addresses

It might be desirable to add ip addresses to a blacklist which is easily achieved simply by editing /etc/ufw/before.rules and inserting an iptables DROP line at the bottom of the file right above the "COMMIT" word.

## blacklist section
# block just
-A ufw-before-input -s -j DROP
# block 184.105.*.*
-A ufw-before-input -s -j DROP

# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed

Rate limiting with ufw

ufw has the ability to deny connections from an IP address that has attempted to initiate 6 or more connections in the last 30 seconds. Users should consider using this option for services such as SSH.

Using the above basic configuration, to enable rate limiting we would simply replace the allow parameter with the limit parameter. The new rule will then replace the previous.

# ufw limit SSH
Rule updated
# ufw status
Status: active
To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
Anywhere                   ALLOW
SSH                        LIMIT       Anywhere
Deluge-my                  ALLOW       Anywhere

User rules

All user rules are stored in etc/ufw/user.rules and etc/ufw/user6.rules for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively.

Tips and tricks

Disable remote ping

Change ACCEPT to DROP in the following lines:

# ok icmp codes
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT

If you use IPv6, related rules are in /etc/ufw/before6.rules.

Disable UFW logging

Disabling logging may be useful to stop UFW filling up the kernel (dmesg) and message logs:

# ufw logging off

UFW and Docker

Docker in standard mode writes its own iptables rules and ignores ufw ones, which could lead to security issues. A solution can be found at https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker.

Tip: You can install ufw-dockerAUR to automatically fix the iptables rules by running ufw-docker install. The package can also manage your docker related ufw rules, see ufw-docker help.

GUI frontends

If you are using KDE Plasma, you can just go to Wi-Fi & Networking > Firewall to access and adjust firewall configurations given plasma-firewall is installed.


gufw is a GTK front-end for Ufw that aims to make managing a Linux firewall as accessible and easy as possible. It features presets for common ports and p2p applications. It requires python, ufw, and GTK support.

See also