Acer Swift 1 SF114-34
Hardware | PCI/USB ID | Working? |
Wi-Fi | 00:14.3 |
Yes |
Bluetooth | 8087:0026 |
Yes |
Webcam | 0408:a094 |
Yes |
Fingerprint Sensor | 1c7a:0575 |
No |
Information about the Acer Swift 1 SF114-34.
Press F2
on boot to enter the BIOS. Set a supervisor password under the Security tab and then disable Secure Boot under the Boot tab. You can now remove the supervisor password.
Tip: Enable F12 Boot Menu in the Advanced tab to make it easier to switch boot devices.
Fingerprint sensor
libfprint does not support the model.
Suspension does not work, device wakes up immediately.
Find a "RP" device with enabled status (usually RP05) with the following command:
$ cat /proc/acpi/wakeup
This is what is causing the issue, and you will need to disable it. Create:
[Unit] Description=Disable devices as wakeup [Service] ExecStart=sh -c "echo device_name > /proc/acpi/wakeup" Type=oneshot [Install]
Enable/start it and suspension should now work properly.