asusctlAUR allows ROG & TUF laptop owners to control their laptops from a CLI, it supports keyboard control (brightness, RGB and backlight effects), setting a custom charge limit, changing system power profiles, setting custom fan curves and controlling AniMe matrix displays.
Install the asusctlAUR package or alternatively from a custom repository.
Some Laptops may require a custom version of Linux for all supported features to work. see custom kernel for details.
stores its configuration files in /etc/asusd
, Aura and AniMe profile files are stored in /usr/share/asusd
and the asusd-user
user specific file is ~/.config/rog/rog-user.cfg
RGB/Keyboard backlight
Supported laptop models are stored in /usr/share/asusd/aura_support.ron
, if your laptop is not working out of the box then you can add it to this list to see if its supported. See for details.
If you still have no support then you should open an issue on the projects Gitlab page.
Custom effects
Defining custom effects is handled by a Systemd service and settings are stored at ~/.config/rog/rog-user.cfg
. To make use of custom effects you should enable the asusd-user.service
user unit.
See the asusd-user
section of the ASUS Linux manual for details.
AniMe matrix display
For laptops that have an AniMe matrix display, the settings and options to control it are stored at ~/.config/rog/rog-user.cfg
To make use of it under Linux you first need to enable the asusd-user.service
user unit.
See the asusd-user
section of the ASUS Linux manual for details.
Issuing the command asusctl
on its own will output a list of supported options. You can also use subvalues to list options from subcategories, for example asusctl bios
will list all options from the BIOS subcategory.
When dealing with subcategories, your current setting can be queried by swapping the case of the flag. Uppercase flags make changes, lowercase flags query current setting. For example asusctl bios -o
will return the current panel overdrive state while asusctl bios -O true
will set it to enabled.
Show supported options
The following command is used to display all the options your laptop supports:
$ asusctl -s
Charge limit
Set a battery charge limit with the following:
$ asusctl -c limit
where limit is between 20 and 100.
RGB/Keyboard backlight
Use the following commands to toggle LED modes:
Next mode:
$ asusctl led-mode -n
Previous mode:
$ asusctl led-mode -p
Panel overdrive
If your laptop supports panel overdrive it can be toggled with the following command:
$ asusctl bios -O <true/false>
Power profiles
, Balanced
and Performance
modes are supported.
Change power profiles with the following:
$ asusctl profile -P profile
or use the following to cycle through all profiles:
$ asusctl profile -n
You can set a power profile in /etc/asusd/asusd.ron
if you wish to have one automatically loaded during boot.
Using the MUX switch
Switching to discrete graphics only (MUX switch)
supergfxctl is capable of detecting whether the MUX switch is enabled or not and does not cause the display manager to fail if it is enabled. Using other Optimus managers with asusctl to control a MUX might cause issues.
Switching to discrete graphics is done with the following command:
$ asusctl bios -D 0
and then rebooting.
Switching back to Optimus mode
Switching to Optimus mode is done with the following command:
$ asusctl bios -D 1
and then rebooting.
Using the MUX switch with a Wayland client
Switching over to the dGPU should work as normal on Wayland clients however NVIDIA GPU users should consult NVIDIA#Wayland configuration before trying to switch. NVIDIA GPUs still have some issues running certain applications under Wayland.
Many functions of asusctl can be controlled in a GUI, it is packaged as rog-control-centerAUR or can be obtained from the custom repository.
If your laptop has RGB, backlighting effects or an AniMe matrix display then using this tool will drastically improve your ability to control them.
Custom fan curves
Using rog-control-center it is possible to define custom fan curves for both the CPU and GPU, for each of the supported power profiles.