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BMPanel (BitMap Panel) is a lightweight, NETWM compliant panel for X11 Window System, which contains a desktop switcher, taskbar, system tray and clock. The application is inspired by simplicity of fspanel. BMPanel has a modern look and feel, while keeping itself tiny and small.


Install bmpanel2AUR.


Further information about available themes can be found here. Here you can find more themes. Extract them to ~/.local/share/bmpanel2/themes (respectively ~/.bmpanel/themes for bmpanel legacy). Altering design of the theme can be done by adapting the ~/.local/share/bmpanel2/themes/theme name/theme file (respectively ~/.bmpanel/themes/theme name/theme). More information on this can be found here.

Starting bmpanel

To start BMPanel automatically after login, add the following to your xinitrc:

bmpanel2 --theme=theme_name &


BMPanel2 features a simple launchbar that you may configure manually.

In order for this to work, the theme must have the launchbar enabled. Edit the theme file and make sure that it has something to this extent (the xx's represent icon size):

	icon_size xx xx

Next, you must edit the configuration file for bmpanel2, usually located at ~/.config/bmpanel2/bmpanel2rc. For each entry, you must provide the command to execute along with an icon.

Note: Icons must be png files

An example configuration is given below:

theme xsocam_dark

	exec urxvt
		icon /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-term.png
	exec firefox
		icon /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox.png
	exec blender
		icon /usr/share/pixmaps/blender.png
	exec urxvt -e htop
		icon /usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png
	exec gvim
		icon /usr/share/pixmaps/gvim.png