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DeveloperWiki:UID / GID Database

From ArchWiki

This is intended to be a starting point for creating standard uid and gid numbers.

I really think this should be moved directly into arch at some point and just have a keyword in PKGBUILD like

require_user('user1' 'user2')

and if they did not exist they would be created according to this database by makepkg when building or by pacman when installing.

Actually, for this to work, we will need to add the primary and secondary groups to the database as well.

This article or section is out of date.

Reason: Some users and groups might have changed. (Discuss in DeveloperWiki talk:UID / GID Database)


Owning Package User Name UID
filesystem root 0
filesystem bin 1
filesystem daemon 2
filesystem mail 8
news 9
uucp 10
ftp 14
proxy 15
stunnel 16
jabber 17
osiris 18
slocate 21
cron 22
fcron 23
snort 29
nagios (coming soon) 30
nrpe 31
rpcbind rpc 32
http 33
nfs-utils rpcuser 34
named 40
privoxy 42
tor tor 43
nbd nbd 44
mpd 45
mopidy 46
nut 55
tomcat8 57
rbldns 58
rbldnszones 59
dnslog 60
dnscache 61
tinydns 62
axfrdns 63
clamav 64
bitlbee 65
tomcat6 66
minbif 67
filesystem uuidd 68
fax 69
cyrus 70
tomcat7 71
courier 72
postfix 73
dovecot dovenull 74
dovecot dovecot 76
asterisk 77
exim 79
vpopmail 80
filesystem dbus 81
nsvsd 83
avahi 84
nx 85
beaglidx 86
ntp ntp 87
postgres 88
mysql 89
fetchmail 90
smtpd 91
smtpq 92
smtpf 93
filesystem nobody 99
zeroc-ice ice 101
polkit polkitd 102
minio minio 103
nm-openconnect 104
gitlab gitlab 105
cherokee 106
gitlab-runner gitlab-runner 107
partimag 110
x2goserverAUR x2gouser 111
x2goserverAUR x2goprint 112
unifi 113
gdm 120
lxdm 121
murmurd 122
colord 124
deluge 125
backuppc 126
lldpd 127
pulse 130
rtkit 133
netdata 134
kdm 135
znc (deprecated, now dynamic) 136
usbmux 140
salt 141
nvidia-persistenced 143
nss-pam-ldapd nslcd 146
transmission-cli transmission 169
zabbix-server zabbix-server 170
zabbix-proxy zabbix-proxy 171
zabbix-agent zabbix-agent 172
postfwd 180
smokeping 181
spamd 182
chrony chrony 183
pdnsd pdnsd 184
polipoAUR[broken link: package not found] polipo 185
tinyproxy tinyproxy 186
filesystem systemd-journal-gateway 191
filesystem systemd-timesync 192
filesystem systemd-network 193
filesystem systemd-bus-proxy 194
filesystem systemd-resolve 195
gitolite gitolite 196
rabbitmq rabbitmq 197
matrix-synapse synapse 198
toxcore tox-bootstrapd 199
kubernetesAUR[broken link: package not found] kubernetes 205
kibanaAUR kibana 206
grafana grafana 207
consul consul 208
cups cups 209
prometheus 210
alertmanager alertmanager 211
rebuilderd rebuilderd 212
tempo tempo 303
amavisd-new amavis 333
opendmarc opendmarc 335
cephAUR ceph 340
openldap ldap 439
389-ds-base dirsrv 440
oprofile 492
oidentd oidentd 493
alias 7790
qmaild 7791
qmaill 7792
qmailp 7793
qmailq 7794
qmailr 7795
qmails 7796


Owning Package Group Name GID
filesystem root 0
filesystem bin 1
filesystem daemon 2
filesystem sys 3
filesystem adm 4
filesystem tty 5
filesystem disk 6
filesystem lp 7
filesystem mem 8
filesystem kmem 9
filesystem wheel 10
filesystem ftp 11
filesystem mail 12
news 13
filesystem uucp 14
proxy 15
stunnel 16
jabber 17
osiris 18
filesystem log 19
filesystem utmp 20
filesystem locate (ex slocate/mlocate/rlocate) 21
cron 22
fcron 23
filesystem rfkill 24
filesystem smmsp 25
filesystem proc 26
snort 29
nagios (coming soon) 30
nrpe 31
rpcbind rpc 32
filesystem http 33
nfs-utils rpcuser 34
named 40
privoxy 42
tor tor 43
nbd nbd 44
mpd 45
mopidy 46
filesystem games 50
uwsgi uwsgi 53
filesystem lock 54
nut 55
bumblebee 56
tomcat8 57
rbldns 58
rbldnszones 59
clamav 64
bitlbee 65
tomcat6 66
minbif 67
filesystem uuidd 68
cyrus 70
tomcat7 71
courier 72
dovecot dovenull 74
postdrop 75
dovecot dovecot 76
asterisk 77
kvm 78
exim 79
vchkpw 80
filesystem dbus 81
nsvsd 83
avahi 84
nx 85
beaglidx 86
ntp ntp 87
postgres 88
mysql 89
filesystem network 90
filesystem video 91
filesystem audio 92
filesystem optical 93
filesystem floppy 94
filesystem storage 95
filesystem scanner 96
filesystem input 97
filesystem power 98
filesystem nobody 99
filesystem users 100
zeroc-ice ice 101
polkit polkitd 102
minio minio 103
nm-openconnect 104
gitlab gitlab 105
cherokee 106
gitlab-runner gitlab-runner 107
vboxusers 108
vboxsf 109
partimag 110
x2goserverAUR x2gouser 111
x2goserverAUR x2goprint 112
unifi 113
gdm 120
lxdm 121
murmurd 122
colord colord 124
deluge 125
backuppc 126
lldpd 127
vlock 129
pulse 130
pulse-access 131
pulse-rt 132
rtkit 133
netdata 134
kdm 135
znc (deprecated, now dynamic) 136
usbmux 140
salt 141
docker (deprecated, now dynamic) 142
nvidia-persistenced 143
smtpd 145
wireshark-cli wireshark 150
nss-pam-ldapd nslcd 146
systemtap stapusr 156
systemtap stapsys 157
systemtap stapdev 158
cgred 160
transmission-cli transmission 169
zabbix-server zabbix-server 170
zabbix-proxy zabbix-proxy 171
zabbix-agent zabbix-agent 172
postfwd 180
smokeping 181
spamd 182
chrony chrony 183
pdnsd pdnsd 184
polipoAUR[broken link: package not found] polipo 185
tinyproxy tinyproxy 186
virtualgl vglusers 187
filesystem systemd-journal 190
filesystem systemd-journal-gateway 191
filesystem systemd-timesync 192
filesystem systemd-network 193
filesystem systemd-bus-proxy 194
filesystem systemd-resolve 195
gitolite gitolite 196
rabbitmq rabbitmq 197
matrix-synapse synapse 198
toxcore tox-bootstrapd 199
grsec-common[broken link: package not found] tpe 200
grsec-common[broken link: package not found] audit 201
grsec-common[broken link: package not found] socket-deny-all 202
grsec-common[broken link: package not found] socket-deny-client 203
grsec-common[broken link: package not found] socket-deny-server 204
kubernetesAUR[broken link: package not found] kubernetes 205
kibanaAUR kibana 206
grafana grafana 207
consul consul 208
cups cups 209
prometheus 210
alertmanager alertmanager 211
rebuilderd rebuilderd 212
tempo tempo 303
amavisd-new amavis 333
opendmarc opendmarc 335
cephAUR ceph 340
openldap ldap 439
389-ds-base dirsrv 440
oprofile 492
oidentd oidentd 493
qmail 2107
nofiles 2108