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Quoting the main documentation page:

Funkwhale is a self-hosted, modern, free and open-source music server, heavily inspired by Grooveshark.

Instances can be federated via the ActivityPub protocol.


Funkwhale requires a reverse proxy ([1]), so nginx or Apache HTTP Server need to be installed.

It also needs a configured PostgreSQL database and a Redis cache server. See #Configuration and the respective pages for information.

Install the funkwhale-venvAUR package.

Manual install

Follow instructions at [2]. This will install all components in /srv/funkwhale.

Docker install

Follow instructions at [3].


The following sections assume funkwhale-venv was installed, for a manual installation the folders should be changed appropriately.

It also assumes that you are using Funkwhale on a local network. See the official documentation for making it accessible outside, especially for the certificates using Certbot.

Host config

Make sure your /etc/hosts file is setup correctly. The Funkwhale server is running on with alias funkwhale.local, but this can be changed.

Your /etc/hosts file should look something like the following,

#<ip-address>   <hostname.domain.org>   <hostname>       localhost
::1             localhost       funkwhale.local

Configure nginx

The upstream template of the Nginx configuration file is provided in /etc/webapps/funkwhale/nginx.template. However, this file contains variables that need to be replaced by their value from the env file (see section #Initialization on how to create this file):

$ set -a && source /srv/funkwhale/config/env && set +a
$ envsubst "`env | awk -F = '{printf \" $%s\", $$1}'`" \
   < /etc/webapps/funkwhale/nginx.template \
   > /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf

The paths to the certificates should also be modified accordingly.

Then enable the site:

$ ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/funkwhale.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

And start the nginx.service.

Configure apache

Note: You will need Apache HTTP Server configured to run with Redis, PostgreSQL and Apache TLS support.

A template Apache configuration file is provided in /etc/webapps/funkwhale/apache-funkwhale.conf. It configures the Funkwhale instance to be accessible at https://funkwhale.local.

The folder names should be change to fit your installation. More explanation on which lines need to be modified is provided in [4].

Copy the template to the apache configuration folder,

$ cp /etc/webapps/funkwhale/apache-funkwhale.conf /etc/httpd/conf/extra/funkwhale.conf

Next, edit the Apache HTTP Server configuration file and add the following:

Include conf/extra/funkwhale.conf

For the changes to be applied, you need to restart httpd.service (Apache).

Configure PostgreSQL

Connect to the PostgreSQL command line using the postgres user to create the funkwhale user and the database.

[postgres]$ psql
CREATE USER funkwhale;
ALTER DATABASE funkwhale OWNER TO funkwhale;
\c funkwhale;

The last three lines load the unaccent and citext extensions, which are needed for funkwhale to work (citext since version 0.20).


Funkwhale user

Funkwhale should run as the funkwhale user. It is automatically created by the AUR package. If you followed the manual installation, create it with

# useradd -r -d /srv/funkwhale -m funkwhale -c "Funkwhale music server" -s /usr/bin/nologin

Create Funkwhale's data folders in /srv/funkwhale, owned by the funkwhale user:

# mkdir /srv/funkwhale
# chown funkwhale:funkwhale /srv/funkwhale

Run the following commands as the funkwhale user.

Create sub-folders for API files and storage:

[funkwhale]$ cd /srv/funkwhale
[funkwhale]$ mkdir -p api data/static data/media data/music config

To work, Funkwhale needs several environment variables to be present, these should be defined in the environment file /srv/funkwhale/config/env. There is a template at /etc/webapps/funkwhale/env.template, copy and modify it to fit your installation.

[funkwhale]$ cp /etc/webapps/funkwhale/env.template /srv/funkwhale/config/env

The FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME variable should correspond to the hostname in /etc/hosts. DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS needs also to match the address where the funkwhale instance will be reached. You should generate a unique DJANGO_SECRET_KEY and change the paths accordingly to your installation.

Tip: As you will need to run several commands as the funkwhale user with the environment variables loaded, you can use the following command-line after logging in:
[funkwhale]$ export $(grep -v ^#  /srv/funkwhale/config/env | xargs)

For convenience, you can copy this line to /srv/funkwhale/.bashrc (or whichever shell you are using), so it is loaded automatically every time you log in to the funkwhale user.

Database setup

Use /usr/bin/funkwhale_manage to run the /usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/api/manage.py command as funkwhale user.

Initialize the database before launching the application:

[funkwhale]$ funkwhale_manage migrate

Create a superuser for your Funkwhale instance:

[funkwhale]$ funkwhale_manage createsuperuser

Collect the static files for the webapp:

[funkwhale]$ funkwhale_manage collectstatic
Note: If you do not use funkwhale_manage, you need to first activate the python virtualenv and then run the commands as the funkwhale user.
[funkwhale]$ source /usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/virtualenv/bin/activate
[funkwhale]$ python /usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/api/manage.py migrate
[funkwhale]$ python /usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/api/manage.py createsuperuser
[funkwhale]$ python /usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/api/manage.py collectstatic
[funkwhale]$ deactivate

Version upgrade

In case of an error, use the /usr/bin/funkwhale_manage script to run the /usr/share/webapps/funkwhale/api/manage.py commands (it should be run as root).

Warning: Check that the Apache or nginx configuration file did not change before restarting the service. Consult the official documentation for incompatible changes.


Upstream provides systemd services that are already installed.

To start the instance, just start funkwhale.target.

This starts three services, you can check their status with:

$ systemctl status funkwhale-\*
Note: Before version 1.3.0, the AUR package used funkwhale.service, after it uses funkwhale.target like upstream.


See https://docs.funkwhale.audio/administrator/troubleshooting/index.html

Proxy logs

Apache logs for funkwhale:

$ tail -f /var/log/httpd/funkwhale/error.log