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This article or section is out of date.

Reason: Many sections are out of date, or no longer valid, page has rotted and is in need of updating. (Discuss in Talk:Gajim)

Gajim is a full featured and easy to use XMPP client.


Install one of the following:


Gajim is a Graphical User Interface (GUI), all configuration is done through the interface under preferences, you can access this via the top left gajim drop down, and selecting preferences or using the Ctrl+p shortcut.

Within the Preferences menu, you can find the following configuration categories:

  • General - General behaviour of the client, such as how it should behave when closed.
  • Chats - General behaviour of chat windows, such as allowing you to disable status change notifications, or join/leave messages.
  • Notification - General behaviour of notifications within the client, allowing you to enable/disable audible notifications.
  • Status - General configuration of notifications, such as automatic status changes invoked by events such as inactivity for a certain period of time.
  • Style - Configuration of the client theme.
  • Audio/Video - Configuration of Audio and Video call support, such as NAT traversal and input devices (microphone and camera).
  • Advanced - Settings aimed towards more advanced users, allowing purging of message history, changing client proxy settings, and enabling/disabling debug logging

D-Bus remote control

To enable D-Bus remote control support, go to Advanced menu within Preferences and enable D-Bus Interface, then restart gajim.

Show/hide roster

This article or section is out of date.

Reason: This no longer works. It seems that this command is deprecated (Discuss in Talk:Gajim)

If you would like to be able to show/hide the roster using a script or your window manager, you can use the following command:

$ gajim-remote toggle_roster_appearance

It may be necessary to restart Gajim if this does not work.

OMEMO support

This article or section is being considered for removal.

Reason: OMEMO has now been integrated into Gajim as of version 1.8.0 [1] (Discuss in Talk:Gajim#OMEMO integrated into client)

OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure multi-client end-to-end encryption. It is an open standard based on Axolotl and PEP which can be freely used and implemented by anyone.

In order to use OMEMO in Gajim, follow these steps:

  1. Install the python-axolotl[broken link: package not found] and python-qrcode packages.
  2. Open Gajim and go to menu Gajim > Plugins;
  3. Go to the Available tab;
  4. Mark the "OMEMO" plugin and click the Install/Update Plugin button;
  5. Go back to the Installed tab;
  6. Activate the "OMEMO" plugin;
  7. Close dialogs to save the changes;
  8. Restart Gajim;
  9. Please refer to the official documentation for running instructions

Notification sounds

  1. Install the gsound package.
  2. Enable notification sound under Notifications within the Preferences menu, then enable the Play Sounds setting.
Tip: You can configure the sound, and when it is played under the settings icon next to Play Sounds, this will open a second menu where you can enable/disable what events invoke the sound, and pick the sound you want played when an event fires.

Audio and video call support

To use Gajim's Audio / Video Call feature, install the optdepends with the "for video and audio calls" description.

Minimize or close to tray

By default Gajim remains in the taskbar (for Docks) instead of minimizing to tray when closing it, to disable this behavior enable the hide_on_roster_x_button preference.

Tips and tricks

Save history of messages

If the Save of Message History is enabled, a file ~/.local/share/gajim/logs.db is created. This is a SQLite database. (Open it with DB Browser for SQLite, install sqlitebrowser) To look for a message, first get the jid_id of the contact in table jids. Click on Tab "Search Data". Choose Table jids. Now click the tab "Run SQL" and run the statement

SELECT time, kind, message FROM logs WHERE jid_id=(the jid_id from table jids) ORDER BY time ASC;

and click the run button. The result ist a list of your messages orderd by time (first message first, latest message at the bottom). The column kind shows if the message was sent (Code: 6) or received (Code: 4).


Fix dark theme

This article or section is a candidate for merging with Dark mode switching#Applications.

Notes: Looks like those issues are centralized on an other page. (Discuss in Talk:Gajim)

When switching to dark mode in the Preferences does not work, set gtk-theme-name=Adwaita and gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1 in .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.

Fix emojis

The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

Reason: Are noto emojis hardcoded? Or is this simply a case of user not having installed an emoji font? (Discuss in Talk:Gajim)

The emojis is Gajim require the Noto font. You need to install noto-fonts and noto-fonts-emoji to fix this.

See also