From Wikipedia:
- "Graphviz (short for Graph Visualization Software) is a package of open-source tools [...] for drawing graphs specified in DOT language scripts."
- KGraphViewer — Graphviz DOT graph file viewer from KDE.
- — Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language (built on GTK).
You need to install a font to include strings in the graph. For information how to install fonts, see Fonts.
To see what fonts are available:
$ fc-list
To see what fonts dot is using:
$ dot example.gv -Tpng -o foo.png -v 2>&1 | grep font
Tip: For interactive graph development try vimdot(1).
Here is a dot file example.
digraph graph_name { graph [ charset = "UTF-8"; label = "sample graph", labelloc = "t", labeljust = "c", bgcolor = "#343434", fontcolor = white, fontsize = 18, style = "filled", rankdir = TB, margin = 0.2, splines = spline, ranksep = 1.0, nodesep = 0.9 ]; node [ colorscheme = "rdylgn11" style = "solid,filled", fontsize = 16, fontcolor = 6, fontname = "Migu 1M", color = 7, fillcolor = 11, fixedsize = true, height = 0.6, width = 1.2 ]; edge [ style = solid, fontsize = 14, fontcolor = white, fontname = "Migu 1M", color = white, labelfloat = true, labeldistance = 2.5, labelangle = 70 ]; // node define alpha [shape = box]; beta [shape = box]; gamma [shape = Msquare]; delta [shape = box]; epsilon [shape = trapezium]; zeta [shape = Msquare]; eta; theta [shape = doublecircle]; // edge define alpha -> beta [label = "a-b", arrowhead = normal]; alpha -> gamma [label = "a-g"]; beta -> delta [label = "b-d"]; beta -> epsilon [label = "b-e", arrowhead = tee]; gamma -> zeta [label = "g-z"]; gamma -> eta [label = "g-e", style = dotted]; delta -> theta [arrowhead = crow]; zeta -> theta [arrowhead = crow]; }
To generate a png image from this file:
$ dot -Tpng example.gv -o example.png