Home Assistant Supervised

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Home Assistant is an open source home automation software that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Supervised is a type of installation that provides the ability to use more features, like Addons installation from UI.



This article or section is being considered for removal.

Reason: ARM is unsupported by Arch. (Discuss in Talk:Home Assistant Supervised)

If you use a CPU architecture other than x86_64, i386 or i686 (e.g. ARM), before installation, make sure to specify the type of machine you are using on in environmental variables.

Possible machines to use:

 - raspberrypi
 - raspberrypi2
 - raspberrypi3
 - raspberrypi3-64
 - raspberrypi4
 - raspberrypi4-64
 - raspberrypi5-64
 - yellow
 - green
 - tinker
 - odroid-c2
 - odroid-c4
 - odroid-m1
 - odroid-n2
 - odroid-xu
 - khadas-vim3
 - generic-aarch64 (this one use aarch64 architecture)
 - qemuarm (this one use armhf architecture)
 - qemuarm-64 (this one use aarch64 architecture)

Use qemuarm or qemuarm-64 if your hardware is based on ARM architecture. Make sure your machine is compatible with the architecture.

To add a env. variable:

# export MACHINE="qemuarm-64"

More about Environment variables

Install the homeassistant-supervisedAUR package.

And guarantee that AppArmor is correctly installed and configured.

Also set the following kernel parameter:



Supervised configuration files are stored at /usr/share/hassio/. If no configuration exists, a default configuration will be written at startup. To access just Home Assistant's configuration files go to /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/.


To start Home Assistant, start/enable hassio-apparmor.service and hassio-supervisor.service.

The first start may take up to 20 minutes because the required packages will be downloaded and installed.[1].

By default, the web interface is available at http://localhost:8123.


Before doing anything, check if supervisor is Connected and the installation Healthy. You can do that by accessing the Observable Plugin, which can be accessed at http://localhost:4357.

Supervisor not connected

  1. Check if hassio-supervisor.service is started/enabled.
  2. Check if your supervisor container is up and running.
# docker ps | grep hassio_supervisor

Supervisor connected but installation Unhealth

  1. Check if your AppArmor#Display current status is correctly installed and configured.
  2. Check if the kernel parameter is correctly configured.
  3. Check if you start/enable hassio-apparmor.service service.
  4. Look at Supervisor logs for additional information:
# docker logs -f hassio_supervisor

file /etc/hassio.json does not exist

Make sure you have the /etc/hassio.json configuration file.

If not, create it and fill it with sample data.

Example for x86_64

    "supervisor": "ghcr.io/home-assistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor",
    "machine": "generic-x86-64",
    "data": "/usr/share/hassio"

This article or section is being considered for removal.

Reason: ARM is unsupported. (Discuss in Talk:Home Assistant Supervised)

Example for arm64:

    "supervisor": "ghcr.io/home-assistant/aarch64-hassio-supervisor",
    "machine": "qemuarm-64",
    "data": "/usr/share/hassio"