This article describes how to set up a Chinese language environment.
- adobe source han fonts
- adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts - Simplified Chinese OpenType/CFF Sans fonts
- adobe-source-han-sans-tw-fonts - Traditional Chinese OpenType/CFF Sans fonts
- adobe-source-han-sans-hk-fonts - Hong Kong Chinese OpenType/CFF Sans fonts
- adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts - Simplified Chinese OpenType/CFF Serif fonts
- adobe-source-han-serif-tw-fonts - Traditional Chinese OpenType/CFF Serif fonts
- adobe-source-han-serif-hk-fonts - Hong Kong Chinese OpenType/CFF Serif fonts
- noto Chinese fonts
- noto-fonts - Google Noto TTF fonts
- noto-fonts-cjk - Google Noto CJK fonts
- noto-fonts-emoji - Google Noto emoji fonts
- noto-fonts-scAUR - Noto CJK-SC fonts for Simplified Chinese
- noto-fonts-tcAUR - Noto CJK-TC fonts for Traditional Chinese
- wqy fonts
- wqy-microhei - WenQuanYi Micro Hei font family (also known as Hei, Gothic or Dotum) is a sans-serif style derived from Droid Sans Fallback, it offers high quality CJK outline font and it is extremely compact (~5M).
- wqy-zenhei - Hei Ti Style (sans-serif) Chinese Outline font embedded with bitmapped Song Ti (also supporting Japanese (partial) and Korean characters).
- wqy-bitmapfont - Bitmapped Song Ti (serif) Chinese font.
- arphic fonts
- ttf-arphic-ukai - Kaiti (brush stroke) Unicode font (enabling anti-aliasing is suggested)
- ttf-arphic-uming - Mingti (printed) Unicode font
- opendesktop-fonts - New Sung font, previously is ttf-fireflysung package
- ttf-hannom - Chinese and Vietnamese ttf fonts
- Standard fonts of Traditional Chinese
- ttf-twAUR - Kai and Song traditional Chinese font from the Ministry of Education of Taiwan
- ttf-twcns-fontsAUR Chinese TrueType fonts by Ministry of Education of Taiwan government, supporting CNS11643 standard, including Kai and Sung fontface.
- Windows Chinese fonts
- ttf-ms-win8-zh_cnAUR - windows8 simple Chinese fonts.
- ttf-ms-win8-zh_twAUR - windows8 traditional Chinese fonts.
- ttf-ms-win10-zh_cnAUR - windows10 simple Chinese fonts.
- ttf-ms-win10-zh_twAUR - windows10 traditional Chinese fonts.
- ttf-ms-win11-zh_cnAUR - windows11 simple Chinese fonts.
- ttf-ms-win11-zh_twAUR - windows11 traditional Chinese fonts.
- ttf-i.bmingAUR - CJK serif font that emphasis on an old-style typeface.
- ttf-sarasa-gothic - Sarasa Gothic, which is a CJK monospaced font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans.