Network tools
(Redirected from Nc)
This page lists various network tools. ping and ip are covered by Network configuration.
Traceroute is a tool to display the path of packets across an IP network.
There are several implementations available:
- tracepath(8) from iputils (required by base)
- traceroute(8) from traceroute
- MTR — Combines the functionality of traceroute and ping into one tool.
See also Wikipedia:Netcat.
- GNU Netcat — GNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping application. Does not support IPv6.
- Ncat — Netcat implementation from Nmap project.
- OpenBSD netcat — TCP/IP swiss army knife. OpenBSD variant, with more features.
A more complex alternative is socat.
See also Wikipedia:WHOIS.
- whois — Intelligent WHOIS client.
- jwhois — An Internet Whois client
Arch Linux does not have inetd but you can use systemd or xinetd (xinetdAUR) instead.