SDRplay is a manufacturer for a range of Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers all based on the Mirics Semiconductor MSi2500 which is used in a variety of applications from DVB-T to AM Radio.
The SDRplay driver is closed source so it is only available in binary format: it can be downloaded or preferably installed from libsdrplayAUR.
Start/enable sdrplay.service
Not many applications currently support libmirsdrapi-rsp so it is a good idea to install soapysdr or soapysdr-gitAUR.
The SoapySDRPlay module is also required and is available from soapysdrplay3-gitAUR.
GNU Radio
Users wanting to use the SDRplay with GNU Radio will need to install gr-osmosdr-nonfree-gitAUR[broken link: package not found].
Other applications
- cubicsdrAUR provides a fully functional and easy to use SDR application.
- gqrxAUR another easy to use SDR application built on GNU Radio.
- sdrangel-binAUR or sdrangel-gitAUR a versatile tool with a nice looking interface, can also decode digital voice