SRT Live Server

From ArchWiki

From the SLS README:

SRT Live Server (SLS) is an open source live streaming server for low latency based on Secure Reliable Tranport (SRT). Normally, the latency of transport by SLS is less than 1 second in internet.
Tip: If you want to setup a simple one-to-one SRT stream, you can directly use upstream's srt-live-transmit tool from srt, as it currently offers more features (e.g. encryption). See [1]


Install srt-live-serverAUR.


The default configuration file is /etc/sls.conf, edit it to your liking or provide your own. For information on configuration directives see the upstream wiki page.

Running the server

To run the server you need to provide a configuration file with the -c option. To use the default:

$ sls -c /etc/sls.conf

Streaming to the server

You can use any solution that can output media in the SRT protocol.

Note: SLS only supports MPEG-TS format streaming.

Using slc

slc is a client part of the srt-live-serverAUR package and can be used to push a MPEG-TS formatted file to the server:

$ slc -r srt://your.sls.ip:8080? -i filename

Using FFmpeg

You may use FFmpeg for streaming media to the server by using it as an output file. For example to stream your screen with the x11grab and ALSA virtual devices:

$ ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -i $DISPLAY -f alsa -i default -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -c:a aac -flush_packets 0 -f mpegts "srt://your.sls.ip:8080?"

Using Open Broadcaster Software

Open Broadcaster Software supports the SRT protocol to publish stream when version is later than v25.0. You can stream to a Custom Service option by setting the URL to your SLS instance (i.e. srt://your.sls.ip:8080?

Consuming the stream

On the client side you can use your favorite client that supports the SRT protocol. Here are a couple examples.

Using slc

The provided client slc can be used to save the stream to a file:

$ slc -r srt://your.sls.ip:8080? -o filename

Using FFmpeg

You may use ffplay from ffmpeg to play the stream:

$ ffplay -fflags nobuffer -i "srt://your.sls.ip:8080?"

Using Open Broadcaster Software

You can use OBS Studio with a Media Source by pointing to the URL of the server. Add a new Media Source, untick the Local file option and set the URL (i.e. srt://your.sls.ip:8080? in the Input field of the Properties dialog.