Spotify is a digital music streaming service with a freemium business model. This article is mainly about the semi-official, proprietary Spotify for Linux client, which is developed by Spotify's engineers in their spare time and not actively supported by Spotify.[1] Alternatively, there is an online player and a number of open source third-party clients.
Install spotify-launcher. This package manages a per-user installation in your home directory, allowing Spotify to update itself independently of pacman (similar to how Spotify self-updates on other operating systems).
If you prefer to manage Spotify updates with pacman, instead use spotifyAUR which repackages Spotify for Linux. If you need to add and play local files you need to additionally install zenity and ffmpeg4.4.
Third-party clients
Premium subscription
- Librespot — An open source client library for Spotify that enables applications to use Spotify's service (streaming) without the official closed-source libspotify.
- Mopidy — An alternative plug-in based implementation of Music Player Daemon, able to stream from Spotify with an extension.
- || mopidy + mopidy-spotifyAUR
- ncspot — Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust, inspired by ncmpc and the likes.
- Psst — Fast and multi-platform Spotify client, made in Rust with a native GUI.
- Spicetify — A Powerful Command-Line tool to customize your Spotify-Client with themes, extensions and more.
- Spot — Gtk/Rust native Spotify client for the GNOME desktop.
- Spotifyd — An open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon that supports the Spotify Connect protocol which makes it show up as a device that can be controlled from the official clients.
- spotify-qt — Lightweight Spotify client using Qt written in C++.
- spotify-player — A newer and more feature-rich alternative to spotify-tui.
- spotify-tui — A Spotify client for the terminal written in Rust that has not seen updates since 2021-11-17.
- Tizonia — Command-line cloud music player for Linux with support for Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube, SoundCloud, Plex servers and Chromecast devices.
Free subscription
- Spotube — Open source Spotify-YouTube client that does not require Premium nor uses Electron: it gets the data from Spotify and plays the audio from YouTube.
Tips and tricks
Limit storage size
Spotify automatically manages a storage size for caching, however one may want to force the size limit preventing the filesystem from filling up.
Append storage.size
(measured in MB) to /home/user/.config/spotify/prefs
, e.g. a storage size of 3072 MB:
Global media hotkeys
For environments in which controlling Spotify via the keyboard does not work automatically, the official Linux client has support for media keys like XF86AudioPlay
. We can use for example xbindkeys to catch the global media keypresses, and then forward them to Spotify using one of the methods below. If you use xbindkeys, ensure that Spotify is restarted after installation and key configuration otherwise the key events will not be properly caught.
The Spotify client implements the MPRIS D-Bus interface which allows external control.
Disable track notifications
After version 0.9.10, track change notifications were enabled by default. They can be quite intrusive. To disable them, launch Spotify with the --ui.track_notifications_enabled=false
option or add:
~/.config/spotify/Users/spotify login-user/prefs
Alternatively, you can disable track notifications via the client's settings: disable Show desktop notifications when the song changes.
Show track notifications
playerctl provides a library you can use with python-gobject and a notification daemon such as dunst to show the artist and title in a notification when the track changes.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import gi gi.require_version('Playerctl', '2.0') from gi.repository import Playerctl, GLib from subprocess import Popen player = Playerctl.Player() def on_track_change(player, e): track_info = '{artist} - {title}'.format(artist=player.get_artist(), title=player.get_title()) Popen(['notify-send', track_info]) player.connect('metadata', on_track_change) GLib.MainLoop().run()
Skip overplayed radio tracks
Another use of the playerctl library is to skip tracks that are played too much on radio when you do not necessarily want to downvote these tracks because you may want to hear them again later on that station.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from gi.repository import Playerctl, GLib player = Playerctl.Player() played_out = ['Zu Fuss', 'Walk And Talk', 'Neuland'] def on_track_change(player, e): if player.get_title() in played_out: player.on('metadata', on_track_change) GLib.MainLoop().run()
Mute commercials
spotblock-gitAUR is a resource-efficient ad blocker that runs as a systemd daemon.
spotify-adkiller-gitAUR is another alternative to block Spotify ads.
spotblock-rsAUR is a fast and light program to mute Spotify ads. It also works with PipeWire.
Hosts file
You may also add the following lines to your hosts file to block ads in Spotify:
# Block spotify ads #
Remote Control
Send commands via SSH
If you set up ssh on the server, you can send controls from a client to a remote Spotify instance with
$ ssh user@host yourcommand
where yourcommand can be spotifycmd that you installed on the server, or a dbus script for the linux version, as described above.
Grab the Spotify window via SSH
Aside from grabbing the whole desktop with TeamViewer or VNC to remotely control your server, you can also only grab the Spotify Window from the server to your client.
To do that, you need to configure sshd on your server and install x11vnc on both server and client as well as tigervnc on the client. Then you can use these scripts to grab either the complete dektop or only the Spotify window, which essentially gets you GUI client-like behavior as with MPD.
#!/bin/bash # if [[ $1 == all ]];then ssh -f -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@host "x11vnc -q -display :0 -auth .Xauthority" else ssh -f -t -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@host ".bin/" fi for i in {1..4}; do sleep 2 if vncviewer localhost:0; then break; fi done
#!/bin/bash # export DISPLAY=:0 id=$(wmctrl -lx | awk '/spotify.exe.Wine/ {print $1}') [[ -z $id ]] && id=$(wmctrl -lx | awk '/spotify.Spotify/ {print $1}') x11vnc -sid $id -display :0 -auth .Xauthority
You will need to copy the second script to ~/.bin/ on the server and the first script to any place on your client.
Finally, to grab the spotify window, run on the client:
$ sh
or, for the whole desktop:
$ sh all
HiDPI Mode
As the current Spotify build is not DPI aware, the amount to scale the interface by can be specified using the terminal command:
$ spotify --force-device-scale-factor=X
where X is the amount to scale the interface by, e.g 2.
This change can be added to the spotify.desktop
file in order to apply the scaling when launching from the desktop.
- If you use spotify-launcher you can use the config file
to set the flag. See the GitHub page for more info. - If you use spotifyAUR you can also put the flag in
To make sure the file does not get overwritten when the package is updated, copy it to you local applications folder:
$ cp /usr/share/applications/spotify.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
Now edit ~/.local/share/applications/spotify.desktop
and add the --force-device-scale-factor
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Spotify GenericName=Music Player Icon=spotify-client TryExec=spotify Exec=spotify --force-device-scale-factor=2 --uri=%U Terminal=false MimeType=x-scheme-handler/spotify; Categories=Audio;Music;Player;AudioVideo; StartupWMClass=spotify
You might need to relaunch your Desktop Manager, before these override changes will be effective.
Running under Wayland
Running Spotify under Xwayland can cause some quirks, especially with mixed screen sizes and orientations. We can pass some flags to get Spotify to run in Wayland mode: --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
These change can be added to the spotify.desktop
file in order to start in Wayland mode when launching from the desktop.
- If you use spotify-launcher you can use the config file
to set the flags. See the GitHub page for more info. - If you use spotifyAUR you can put the flags in
instead. One flag per line.
See the previous section #HiDPI Mode for details.
Desktop Environment alerts (beeps) mutes Spotify
Comment out "module-role-cork" in the PulseAudio configuration file so it does not get loaded anymore.
Or unload it temporarily with:
$ pactl unload-module module-role-cork
Blinking images and improper rendering while using Spotify Linux with DWM
Start spotify as a floating window.
You can add this rule to the rules array in your config.h
{ "Spotify", NULL, NULL, 2, True, -1 },
This will tell dwm to start spotify as a floating window associated with the tag "2" no matter what window mode you are in. Recompile and install dwm to apply your new settings.
Broken search, browsing or radio
- Spotify bug report concerning non-english locales
If various tabs like browsing only show a blank screen, the search field does not seem to do anything or the radio page is broken (stuck when starting and unsresponsive to input) you might be using a custom locale.
Try setting the environment variable LC_NUMERIC
to en_US.utf8
before starting Spotify.
Deadlock GUI Thread
Can occur under tiling window managers, such as Awesome, when double-clicking new song or playlist. Edit the file ~/.config/spotify/Users/spotify login-user/prefs
to add or change the following:
Restart Spotify. This will try to disable song notifications which seem to be the cause of the issue (the lack of a notification daemon to receive them makes the UI thread hang). Note that several causes appear to exist for this problem, and this particular fix only applies to select versions of Spotify client, i3 and Awesome, and it may be that additional root causes exist for the Debian and Ubuntu users reporting this issue. Observed with Spotify and Awesome 3.4.15 and i3-gaps 4.13-2 and Spotify
seems to be ignored. On the other hand, some users report not experiencing the deadlock anymore as of Awesome 3.5.6. Deadlocks could be caused by scripts called by Awesome, which rely on buggy spotify dbus properties. See This issue has multiple causes, so keep track of what you change while researching this. Update this section with additional scenarios and fixes.
Album art and images are missing, show up as squares
Quit Spotify, then open Spotify preferences ~/.config/spotify/prefs
Change @https to @http:
network.proxy.addr="" network.proxy.mode=2
See original forum post here.
Spotify does not detect other devices on local network
If a firewall is in place, open ports 57621 for UDP and TCP. If you use a variant of the iptables Simple stateful firewall, the following should do it:
iptables -A TCP -p tcp --dport 57621 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment spotify iptables -A UDP -p udp --dport 57621 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment spotify
It is also possible to restrict the source and destination to the local network.
If you are using Spotify Connect to play music on a wireless speaker or AVR, your firewall needs to be configured for Spotify's mDNS lookup of those. Sadly, it uses a random unprivileged port [3] which makes these firewall rules rather nasty. Fortunately, you can restrict the rules to source port 1900 or 5353.
iptables -A UDP -p udp --sport 1900 --dport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment spotify iptables -A UDP -p udp --sport 5353 --dport 1025:65535 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment spotify
If using MusicCast for streaming, you will also need to ensure that IGMP multicast packets are allowed to (with IP options allowed) from the MusicCast speaker/AVR by all firewalls in place (including router firewall).
If you cannot detect other linux clients, this may be due to a bug in Spotify related to the user name launching the instance. Spotify will not detect other instances having the same $HOME
environment variable, even on different machines. To circumvent this, either create a dedicated user, or launch Spotify with a different $HOME
. The following is a workaround to use your home directory and still be able to detect other devices:
$ ln -s $HOME ~/.spotify_fakehome_$HOSTNAME $ HOME=$HOME/.spotify_fakehome_$HOSTNAME spotify &
Search Bar text is invisible when using a dark theme
The text in the search bar appears to be hardcoded to be white, making it invisible when using a dark Qt theme. To fix this, you will need to make an override.
First create a css file somewhere your account has permission to read/write from (such as your home folder). Call it whatever you like (eg. spotify-override.css).
Open the newly created css file and add the following:
QLineEdit { color: #000 }
Save the file and exit. Next, you need to add the following to the end of your Spotify launcher (substitute the path with the actual path of your css file):
So your full launch path should look something like this:
/usr/share/spotify/spotify-client/spotify -stylesheet=/home/user/spotify-override.css
Not respecting window manager rules
Window manager that try to apply specific rules like starting it on a determined workspace or maximizing it on startup, has no effect, as Spotify does not set the WM_CLASS property before creating the window, violating the ICCCM specifications. One solution is to use spotifywm-gitAUR.
GUI hangs while the music plays
Also the previous and next track buttons act with a delay of 10-40 seconds. Spotify by default tries to send notification about next track, if you do not have a notification-daemon installed, Spotify's GUI hangs.
The solution is to either disable notifications in the settings or to install a notification daemon from Desktop notifications.
Spotify occupies the whole screen over system panel and its borders are gone
If you have issue with window borders disappearing and the GUI going full-screen but you cannot drag the window or change its size, edit the preferences located by default in:
app.window.position.width=1366 app.window.position.height=768
Close Spotify, remove both lines shown above, save and run Spotify again.
Cannot open settings in Wayland
When using Wayland, clicking on the 'Settings' button does nothing. Using the keyboard instead will work (arrows and enter). See [4]
Crashes on startup
If you get a crash on startup with the following error message
[] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye
Try to run spotify
with the -no-zygote
Spotify has limited or no internet connectivity while using a VPN
More recent versions of Spotify (noticed after version ~1.1.10) use NetworkManager's detection of internet connectivity for determining if Spotify is able to play songs or even log in. When using a VPN service, Network Manager can fail to correctly identify internet connectivity, stating "Limited Connectivity". See NetworkManager#Checking connectivity for possible solutions.
Slow or laggy client
If Spotify is being unusually slow, common culprits usually are corrupted cache files. Run the following command, after closing your Spotify client:
$ rm -rf ~/.cache/spotify/Browser/* ~/.cache/spotify/Data/* ~/.cache/spotify/Storage/*
- Make sure you only delete the files inside the folders, and not the folders themselves.
- If that does not resolve the issue, try deleting
and reinstalling.
/usr/lib/ error
If you encounter the error:
spotify: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by spotify)
Delete ~/.cache/spotify
See also
- Spotify for Linux — Spotify's homepage for the Linux client