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Talk:GPD Win

From ArchWiki
Latest comment: 19 January 2021 by Kynikos in topic Out of date

Out of date

I just did a clean install from scratch using the latest Arch ISO (October 2020) and everything works out of the box (SD card, fans, screen rotation, sound, battery monitoring, turbo boost control, physical volume buttons, wifi, gamepad mode, sleep/suspend, gnome+wayland, fractional scaling, ...).

Maybe we should remove all the instructions from the page and simply say something like: "everything works out of the box, simply follow the standard Arch installation guide" and add some extra links to other wiki entries (such as the one that explains how to configure gamepads under Steam) that might be of special interest to GPDWin users.

—This unsigned comment is by Greenfoo (talk) 5 October 2020. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

If you need more visibility and feedback you can flag the article with an appropriate Help:Template#Article status templates. -- Kynikos (talk) 01:37, 19 January 2021 (UTC)Reply