Latest comment: 28 February 2013 by Al3x
Just want to share my working mediatomb configuration, that is using default /etc/conf.d/mediatomb left over from initscripts (took me a while to make it work - die systemd, die!!!)
[Unit] Description=Mediatomb media daemon [Service] Type=forking EnvironmentFile=/etc/conf.d/mediatomb ExecStartPre=/bin/chown nobody.nobody -R ${MT_HOME} ExecStart=/usr/bin/mediatomb -d -u ${MT_USER} -g ${MT_GROUP} -l ${MT_LOGFILE} -m ${MT_HOME} -f ${MT_CFGDIR} -P ${MT_PIDFILE} Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 ExecStop=/bin/kill ${MT_PIDFILE} [Install]
Where /etc/conf.d/mediatomb is
# # Parameters to be passed to mediatomb # # Port to listen on MT_PORT=50500 # User and group to run as MT_USER=nobody MT_GROUP=nobody # Location of the PID file MT_PIDFILE="/run/mt/" # Location of the log file MT_LOGFILE="/var/log/mediatomb.log" # Location of the config file/database MT_HOME="/var/lib/mediatomb" MT_CFGDIR=".mediatomb"