
From ArchWiki
Latest comment: 21 December 2023 by C0rn3j in topic PHP legacy

PHP legacy

Since Icinga suffers from similar problems as Nextcloud with PHP stable support being pushed to stable only after PHP itself goes stable, we should describe setups with both stable and legacy PHP and recommend the legacy releases.

Three things that we document use PHP

  • Icinga Web 2 uses webserver PHP
  • Icinga director service uses system PHP (stable by default, see icinga web -> /icingaweb2/director/daemon)
  • `icingacli director` runs system php by default too when executed on the CLI - i.e. `icingacli director migration run --verbose`, one could verify it uses the correct one by commenting out gettext extension on one of the PHP instances, which should make the above command fail on it.

C0rn3j (talk) 12:49, 21 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]