From ArchWiki
Latest comment: 17 November 2020 by Jdfthetech

The following settings can be used during install to enable accessibility for a user prior to them logging in. This enables a user to perform an accessible install without additional assistance. MATE will need to be installed with the accessibility services and the username and will need to be setup using pacstrap prior to doing this.

arch-chroot /mnt sudo -u <USERNAME> dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled true
arch-chroot /mnt sudo -u <USERNAME> dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.interface accessibility true
arch-chroot /mnt sudo -u <USERNAME> dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.applications-at-visual startup true

This could probably go under the accessibility section, not sure if it should be separated from the normal dconf documentation, but that would be my suggestion. Jdfthetech (talk) 17:47, 17 November 2020 (UTC)Reply