
From ArchWiki

This is a rather Caveman-Approach, I'd agree, but at least it is confined to the user's ~/ directory, so it is still half safe. Tropicalicecube 08:52, 26 October 2010 (EDT)

The 'cannot connect to X server :0.0' output

Isn't this enough with xhost +local:? It also seems to need mention of it allowing for specific IPs. --Freaxtux (talk) 04:40, 7 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

difference between +local: and xhost +SI:localuser:username

I look through the man page(man xhost). It says this

      local     contains only one name, the empty string
      si        Server Interpreted

I test both of them. both work on my pc. So should I undo my change? 'xhost +SI:localuser:kearney' works. then undo it with 'xhost -SI:localuser:kearney'. now it can't work. Then type 'xhost +local:'. it works again. Undo it with 'xhost -local:' --Kearney (talk) 06:34, 3 July 2021 (UTC)Reply


In the section Usage. I change `xhost +local:` into `xhost +SI:localuser:username`.

when you type it in terminal, the config will be set(this can be approved by 'xhost'). But what you set will be reset to originally when reboot. A good way is to add it to `~/.bashrc`. This way contains in the section 'The 'cannot connect to X server :0.0' output'. So should I write this way agagin? --Kearney (talk) 02:34, 3 July 2021 (UTC)Reply