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From ArchWiki
Name: Gordian Edenhofer
Role: ArchWiki Maintainer
Email: gordian.edenhofer@gmail.com
PGP key: 8B97 1DF2 5EC8 95F9 B2CC 337A 63E5 08E6 D763 DE4A
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish
Other profiles: AUR :: Github :: Google Plus Profile



and many more AUR packages


  • AppArmor - a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system, implemented upon the Linux Security Modules (LSM)
  • Slurm-llnl - an open-source workload manager
  • Btrfs - a "better F S" based on the idea of copy-on-write (COW) and b-trees
  • Dell XPS 13 (9350) - third-generation model of the XPS 13 laptop (early 2016) from Dell
  • Minecraft - Minecraft server

and many many more contributions...

See also

Committed identity: b422cff15db6a524fe4cb1c6ba60153b7dd4f40536c39389802fb01cda6c1152d68e3524cc1798329f6cbace8c445c5c6ea3aa40f4c364be984b6e8dfd255ab5 is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.