User talk:RafaelFF/drafts/Tarch

From ArchWiki
Latest comment: 31 July 2019 by Josephgbr in topic Ideas of improvement

Ideas of improvement

  • Introductory text: link official TalkingArch website, mentioning it is not an official Arch Linux image, mentioning the recent fork Tarch. Mention the use of espeakup
  • Installation: Evaluate to remove duplicated content from this section, highlighting that it is to burn Tarch image, linking to installation guide for installation instructions, and enable to enable service.
  • Where does Braille comes in?
  • Configuration: Set language of the voice of espeakup (set /etc/conf.d and restart systemd service)
  • Building an customized image of Tarch: Mention the steps to build a custom image, with desired configurations

-- Josephgbr (talk) 00:37, 31 July 2019 (UTC)Reply