From ArchWiki

Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) is a mechanism for Unix-like operating systems that lets non-privileged users create their own file systems without editing kernel code. This is achieved by running file system code in user space, while the FUSE kernel module provides only a "bridge" to the actual kernel interfaces.


FUSE filesystems can be unmounted using fusermount3(1) provided by fuse3 or using fusermount(1) provided by fuse2. E.g.:

$ fusermount3 -u mountpoint

List of FUSE filesystems

  • adbfs-rootless — Mount an Android device connected via USB.
https://github.com/spion/adbfs-rootless || adbfs-rootless-gitAUR
  • apfs-fuse — FUSE driver for APFS (Apple File System).
https://github.com/sgan81/apfs-fuse || apfs-fuse-gitAUR
  • astreamfs — A(synchronous) Stream(ing) (fuse) F(ile)S(ystem).
https://gitlab.com/BylonAkila/astreamfs/tree/master || astreamfs-gitAUR
  • AVFS — A Virtual File System that allows browsing compressed files (archives).
https://avf.sourceforge.net || avfs
  • CurlFtpFS — Filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl.
https://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/ || curlftpfs
  • davfs2 — File system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV folder.
https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/davfs2 || davfs2AUR
  • EncFS — Userspace stackable cryptographic file-system.
https://vgough.github.io/encfs/ || encfs
  • fuse-archive — Serves an archive or compressed file as a read-only FUSE file system.
https://github.com/google/fuse-archive || fuse-archiveAUR
  • fuseiso — Mount an ISO as a regular user.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/fuseiso/ || fuseiso
  • GDriveFS — Innovative FUSE wrapper for Google Drive.
https://github.com/dsoprea/GDriveFS || gdrivefsAUR
  • gitfs — gitfs is a FUSE file system that fully integrates with git.
https://www.presslabs.com/gitfs/ || gitfsAUR
  • gocryptfs — gocryptfs is a userspace stackable cryptographic file-system.
https://nuetzlich.net/gocryptfs/ || gocryptfs
  • google-drive-ocamlfuse — FUSE-based file system backed by Google Drive, written in OCaml.
https://astrada.github.io/google-drive-ocamlfuse/ || google-drive-ocamlfuseAUR
  • gphotofs — FUSE module to mount camera as a filesystem.
http://www.gphoto.org/proj/gphotofs/ || gphotofsAUR
  • HubicFuse — FUSE filesystem to access HubiC cloud storage.
https://github.com/TurboGit/hubicfuse || hubicfuseAUR
  • iFuse — A fuse filesystem to access the contents of an iPhone or iPod Touch.
https://libimobiledevice.org/ || ifuse
  • NTFS-3G — NTFS driver with extended capabilities.
https://github.com/tuxera/ntfs-3g || ntfs-3g
  • rclone — Mount a remote file system on a mountpoint.
https://rclone.org || rclone
  • s3fs — FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3.
https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse || s3fs-fuse
  • SSHFS — FUSE-based filesystem client for mounting directories over SSH.
https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs || sshfs
  • TMSU — A command-line tool for tagging your files and accessing them through a virtual filesystem.
https://tmsu.org/ || tmsuAUR
  • vdfuse — Mounting VirtualBox disk images (VDI/VMDK/VHD).
https://github.com/muflone/virtualbox-includes || vdfuseAUR
  • vramfs — VRAM based file system.
https://github.com/Overv/vramfs || vramfs-gitAUR
  • wimmount — Mount Windows Imaging Format (WIM) images.
https://wimlib.net/ || wimlib
  • xbfuse — Mount an Xbox (360) ISO.
https://multimedia.cx/xbfuse/ || xbfuse-gitAUR
  • xmlfs — Represent an XML file as a directory structure for easy access.
https://github.com/halhen/xmlfs || xmlfsAUR

See also