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Dell XPS 15z

From ArchWiki

This article or section does not follow the Laptop page guidelines.

Reason: Hardware table needs IDs added and a function keys table should be added (Discuss in Talk:Dell XPS 15z)

This article or section is out of date.

Reason: This page is ancient (Discuss in Talk:Laptop#Old laptop pages)
Hardware PCI/USB ID Working?
Ethernet Yes
Wireless Yes
Audio Yes
Bluetooth Yes
Touchpad Yes
GPU (Intel) Yes
GPU (Nvidia) Yes
Webcam Yes
Card reader Yes

Hangs on boot

Sometimes when booting the laptop with the default kernel it would hang at uevent detection. To prevent this from happening, append the following to the kernel parameters:



Dell XPS 15z has two graphics processors installed, Intel integrated graphics and NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M. The NVIDIA card is using Optimus technology.

See Intel for details on using the Intel GPU.

Using Bumblebee

Another way, which allows to use Optimus technology is Bumblebee.

Video Performance

Using the Intel card without any modifications can result in poor video performance. A quick fix is to edit boot options of your boot loader and append the following to the kernel parameters:


Boot time errors

If you encounter boot time errors with Intel graphics, add the i915 and intel_agp modules to MODULES in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf:

MODULES=(intel_agp i915)

Then regenerate the initramfs.

Touchpad and keyboard

The touchpad is fully supported in kernels 3.9 and later. Make sure to install xf86-input-synaptics as well as a program such as synaptiks so that you can customize all of the features.

Keyboard is not working

In case your keyboard is not working after installing Arch, or after upgrading older installation append the following to your kernel parameters:


As mentioned above, this problem should not occur in new installations, although may in some cases of customized installs.

Card Reader

To make the card reader function enter the following command:

# echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

This will allow it to auto mount cards until the next reboot.