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International communities: Difference between revisions

From ArchWiki
m active channel on telegram, helping more people in Spanish
Teeed (talk | contribs)
Removed archlinux.org.pl, domain got kidnapped by someone else. Who knows what will be there. Anyway, it should not be linked from there.
(125 intermediate revisions by 47 users not shown)
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[[Category:Arch community]]
[[Category:Arch community]]
[[ar:International communities]]
[[bs:International communities]]
[[bs:International communities]]
[[ca:International communities]]
[[de:Internationale Gemeinschaften]]
[[es:International communities]]
[[es:International communities]]
[[fr:International communities]]
[[ko:International communities]]
[[lt:International communities]]
[[lt:International communities]]
[[pl:International communities]]
[[pt:International communities]]
[[pt:International communities]]
[[zh-hans:International communities]]
[[zh-hans:International communities]]
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{{Related|ArchWiki:Translation Team}}
{{Related|ArchWiki:Translation Team}}
{{Related|IRC channel}}
{{Related|Arch IRC channels}}
{{Related articles end}}
{{Related articles end}}

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Please note that our official wiki also supports internationalized content. In addition, we have an international forum where you can post in your native language. These tools can be used in addition to, in parallel with, or as a part of the international communities listed below.  
Please note that our official wiki also supports internationalized content. In addition, we have an international forum where you can post in your native language. These tools can be used in addition to, in parallel with, or as a part of the international communities listed below.  

This list is by no means complete. If you know of a community that is not listed, please feel free to add it. If you are looking for a community that doesn't have an existing community, start one or visit the [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewforum.php?id=30 Other Languages forum].
This list is by no means complete. If you know of a community that is not listed, please feel free to add it. If you are looking for a community that does not have an existing community, start one or visit the [https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewforum.php?id=30 Other Languages forum].
== International (English) ==
English communication platforms can be found in [[Getting involved]].
== Arabic ==
* Wiki: [[Main page (العربية)]]
* Forum: https://lemmy.world/c/arabic_linux
* Mailing list: https://lists.sr.ht/~avidseeker/arabic-linux
* IRC: [ircs://irc.libera.chat/archlinux-ar #archlinux-ar]
* Matrix Chat: [https://matrix.to/#/#archlinux-ar:archlinux.org #archlinux-ar:archlinux.org]
== Czech republic ==
* Homepage: https://arch-linux.cz
* Forum: https://forum.arch-linux.cz
* Wiki: [[Main page (Čeština)]] (or https://wiki.arch-linux.cz/shelves/arch-linux-cz)
* Matrix room: [https://matrix.to/#/#archlinuxcz:matrix.org #archlinuxcz:matrix.org]
== Catalan ==
* Telegram Group: https://t.me/archlinux_catala
* Wiki: [[Main page (Català)]]

== Chinese ==
== Chinese ==
=== China ===

* Homepage: https://www.archlinuxcn.org/
* Homepage: https://www.archlinuxcn.org/
* Forum: https://bbs.archlinuxcn.org/
* Forum: https://bbs.archlinuxcn.org/
* Forum: https://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewforum.php?f=155
* Telegram Chat: https://t.me/archlinuxcn_group (join the news channel [https://t.me/archlinuxcn @archlinuxcn] first to pass the validation)
* Forum: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=archlinux
* Matrix Chat: [https://matrix.to/#/#archlinux-cn-space:nichi.co #archlinux-cn-space:nichi.co]
* Telegram Chat: https://t.me/archlinuxcn_group
* Wiki: https://wiki.archlinuxcn.org/wiki/首页
* [archlinuxcn] repo: https://github.com/archlinuxcn/repo
* Wiki: [[Main page (简体中文)]]
* Planet: https://planet.archlinuxcn.org/
* Planet: https://planet.archlinuxcn.org/
=== Mainland China ===
* Forum: https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=archlinux

=== Taiwan ===
=== Taiwan ===
Line 39: Line 67:
* Forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/archlinux-tw-general
* Forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/archlinux-tw-general
* Wiki: [[Main page (正體中文)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (正體中文)]]
== Croatian ==
* GASERI Arch Linux user association at Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies, University of Rijeka
** Homepage: https://gaseri.org/hr/aktivizam/archeri/
** Telegram chat: https://t.me/gaseri_org (join link: https://t.me/+qHedXt0OXm4yMzc8)

== Danish ==
== Danish ==

* Homepage: http://www.archlinux.dk/
* Homepage: http://www.archlinux.dk/ (Dead)
* Forum: http://forum.archlinux.dk/
* Forum: http://forum.archlinux.dk/ (Dead)
* Wiki: [[Main page (Dansk)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Dansk)]]
* iRC: [ircs://irc.libera.chat/archlinux-dk #archlinux-dk]

== French ==
== French ==
Line 50: Line 85:
* Homepage: https://archlinux.fr/
* Homepage: https://archlinux.fr/
* Forum: https://forums.archlinux.fr/
* Forum: https://forums.archlinux.fr/
* Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.fr/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Français)]]
* Signal: https://signal.group/#CjQKILMI8IXAepQEWDL7SM7ZWxVDxUV6N2T7IurW2mPWHKI8EhDDHdp1VQlE9YjhzG-_XoZ_
* Telegram groups:
* Telegram groups:
** News: https://t.me/archlinuxfr
** News: https://t.me/archlinuxfr
** Chat: https://t.me/archlinux_fr
** Chat: https://t.me/+gwmgWJbvv71iNmM8

== German ==
== German ==

* Homepage: https://www.archlinux.de/
* Homepage: https://www.archlinux.de/
* Forum: https://bbs.archlinux.de/
* Forum: https://forum.archlinux.de/
* Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.de/
* Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.de/
* Arch Linux User Group Berlin: https://archlinux.berlin/

== Greek ==
== Greek ==

* Homepage: http://archlinux.gr
* Homepage: https://archlinux.gr
* Wiki: [[Main page (Ελληνικά)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Ελληνικά)]]
== Hindi ==
* Telegram group: https://t.me/ArchLinuxIndia
* Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#archlinuxindia:matrix.org
== Indonesian ==
* Wiki: [[Main page (Bahasa Indonesia)]]
* Telegram group: https://t.me/ArchLinuxID

== Italian ==
== Italian ==

* Homepage: http://www.archlinux.it/
* Forum: http://www.archlinux.it/forum
* Wiki: [[Main page (Italiano)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Italiano)]]
* Telegram group Arch Linux Italia: https://t.me/archlinuxita and https://t.me/ArchLinuxItalia

== Japanese ==
== Japanese ==
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* Forum: http://sls.archlinux.lt/
* Forum: http://sls.archlinux.lt/
* Wiki: [[:lt:Main page]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Lietuvių)]]

== Luxembourgish ==
== Luxembourgish ==

* Arch Linux User Group Luxembourg: https://wiki.c3l.lu/doku.php?id=events:alugl
* Homepage: http://archlinux.lu/

== Norwegian ==
== Norwegian ==
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* Homepage: https://archlinux.no/
* Homepage: https://archlinux.no/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Norsk Bokmål)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Norsk Bokmål)]]
== Persian ==
* Homepage: http://www.archusers.ir/
* Forums: http://bbs.archusers.ir/
* Wiki: http://wiki.archusers.ir/

== Polish ==
== Polish ==

* Forum: http://forum.archlinux.org.pl/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Polski)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Polski)]]

== Portuguese ==
== Portuguese ==

* Homepage: http://archlinux-br.org/
* Homepage: http://archlinux-br.org/{{Dead link|2023|09|16|status=too many redirects}}
* Forum: http://forum.archlinux-br.org/
* Forum: https://forum.archlinux-br.org/{{Dead link|2023|07|30|status=too many redirects}}
* Telegram group: https://t.me/archlinuxbr
* Telegram Chat:
** [https://t.me/archlinuxbr @archlinuxbr] — Arch Linux-only support and chat (Bridged to Matrix Chat)
** [https://t.me/archlinux_l10n_pt @archlinux_l10n_pt] — Translation of ArchWiki and other related resources
** [https://t.me/archofftopic @archofftopic] — Portuguese off-topic chat
* Matrix Chat: [https://matrix.to/#/#archlinuxbr:matrix.org #archlinuxbr:matrix.org]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Português)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Português)]]

== Russian ==
== Russian ==

* Homepage: https://archlinux.org.ru/
* Homepages: https://archlinux.org.ru/, https://archlinux.com.ru/
* Forum: https://archlinux.org.ru/forum
* Forums: https://archlinux.org.ru/forum/, https://archlinux.com.ru/forum/
* Telegram groups:
* Telegram groups:
** https://t.me/archlinux_ru (with mirror in Matrix: [https://matrix.to/#/#archlinux_ru:matrix.org #archlinux_ru:matrix.org])
** https://t.me/ArchLinuxChatRU
** https://t.me/ArchLinuxChatRU
** https://t.me/arch_linuxru
** https://t.me/archlinux_ru
* Wiki: [[Main page (Русский)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Русский)]]

== Serbian ==
== Serbian ==

* Homepage: https://www.archlinux.rs/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Српски)]]
* Forum: https://bbs.archlinux.rs/
* Wiki: [[:sr:Main page]]

== Spanish ==
== Spanish ==

* Homepage: http://www.archlinux-es.org/
* Homepage: https://www.archlinux-es.org/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Español)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Español)]]
* Forum: http://foros.archlinux-es.org/ (Redirects to https://bbs.archlinux.org -> Other Languages)
* Forum: https://foros.archlinux-es.org/ (Redirects to https://bbs.archlinux.org -> Other Languages)
* Arch Linux in Spanish group Telegram: https://t.me/ArchLinuxCristo
* Arch Linux in Spanish Group Telegram: https://t.me/ArchlinuxLatinoamerica
* Arch Linux in Telegram: https://t.me/archlinuxtips
* Lemmy: https://lemmy.world/c/archlinuxes
* Matrix Chat: [https://matrix.to/#/#archlinuxes:matrix.org #archlinuxes:matrix.org]

== Swedish ==
== Swedish ==

* Homepage: http://archlinux.se/
* Homepage: https://archlinux.se/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Svenska)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Svenska)]]

== Turkish ==
== Turkish ==

* Homepage: https://archtr.org/
* Telegram chat: https://t.me/archwikiturkiye
* Forum: https://forum.archtr.org/{{Dead link|2020|03|29|status=domain name not resolved}}
* Wiki: [[Main page (Türkçe)]]
* Wiki: [[Ana sayfa (Türkçe)]]

== Ukrainian ==
== Ukrainian ==

* Forum: https://archlinux.org.ua/
* Telegram chat: https://t.me/archlinux_ukraine
* Telegram chat: https://t.me/archlinux_ukraine
* Ukrainian Linux community forum: https://linux.org.ua/
* Wiki: [[Main page (Українська)]]
* Wiki: [[Main page (Українська)]]
== Uzbekistan ==
* Telegram group:
** https://t.me/xinuxuz

== Vietnamese ==
== Vietnamese ==

* Homepage: http://archlinuxvn.tuxfamily.org/ (Vietnamese only)
* Homepage: https://archlinuxvn.tuxfamily.org/ (Vietnamese only)
* Wiki: http://archlinuxvn.tuxfamily.org/
* Wiki: https://archlinuxvn.tuxfamily.org/
* Projects: http://github.com/archlinuxvn/
* Projects: https://github.com/archlinuxvn/
* Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/archlinuxvn/
* Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/archlinuxvn/

Latest revision as of 10:41, 4 February 2025

https://archlinux.org is the home of the official Arch Linux website, forums, and wiki. However, several unofficial community-run sites are available for international users who would rather communicate in their own language. You can find a list of these communities below.

Please note that our official wiki also supports internationalized content. In addition, we have an international forum where you can post in your native language. These tools can be used in addition to, in parallel with, or as a part of the international communities listed below.

This list is by no means complete. If you know of a community that is not listed, please feel free to add it. If you are looking for a community that does not have an existing community, start one or visit the Other Languages forum.

International (English)

English communication platforms can be found in Getting involved.


Czech republic



Mainland China






















