Talk:ASUS Linux

From ArchWiki
Latest comment: 10 May 2023 by PolarianDev in topic Bad edits

Bad edits

Whoever edited this page clearly doesn't own a hybrid system and has no idea what the terminology means, it is now filled with inaccurate and confusing sentences. The MUX SWitch is a BIOS level function, it is not built into either of the GPUs (and the article implies it is built into both). Integrated mode simply means the onboard Intel/AMD GPU, hybrid mode means having both the onboard and discrete GPUs available with the onboard being used by default and the discrete being available for the user through scripts/binaries and finally discrete means the onboard GPU being off and the dedicated GPU handling everything. I have no idea why these changes were made.... Dungeonseeker (talk) 09:16, 6 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

The ArchWiki is a community, we all contribute to pages to try to improve them, please be a little kinder to those trying to help out.
If an edit is wrong, or breaks the page, simply revert it. You can always view the history of the page to find out who is making these edits, then you can kindly speak to them directly via profile talk page to ask why they made the change, and try to come to resolution to the issue peacefully.
Thank you, PolarianDev (talk) 08:58, 10 May 2023 (UTC)Reply