Talk:Creating packages

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Add a new section about new upstream releases monitoring automation

This is intended to become section 7.3, can someone review this?

Antiz (talk) 11:52, 1 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

I improved it slightly. --nl6720 (talk) 12:00, 1 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
It should be mentioned that .nvchecker.toml is not 100% nvchecker config file. I know that pkgctl requires one section per file named exactly [pkgname], but there might be more? It would be nice to also mention what is happening under the hood, i.e. what does pkgctl change/add before it passes the config to nvchecker. Does it handle keyfiles/tokens somehow? — Lahwaacz (talk) 18:59, 3 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
Oh, the keyfile.toml is mentioned in pkgctl-version(1). Then a followup question about guidelines: should we use the github/gitlab source types and rely on all users having their tokens set up, or avoid the need for tokens by using the plain git source? — Lahwaacz (talk) 19:05, 3 July 2024 (UTC)Reply
Copying an IRC comment from Anthraxx: avoid it and default to git source, like the pkgctl version setup command by default does automatically for most cases. Only switch to GitHub source if you do need the API, f.e. if upstream doesn't follow semver or has RC/beta suffixes but declares random actual versions as pre-release which you dont want to package and need the API to reason a out that. Everything else should be git source.
Now to find a place where to put it, since this page is not for guidelines... 😓
Lahwaacz (talk) 07:26, 5 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

New upstream releases

pkgctl (from the devtools package) supports nvchecker integration in the form of a .nvchecker.toml configuration file (which should be placed in the same directory as the PKGBUILD). See the pacman package's .nvchecker.toml configuration file for an example.

Tip: pkgctl version setup will attempt to create the .nvchecker.toml configuration file automatically by analyzing the source array specified in the PKGBUILD.

You can then use pkgctl version check to check if a new upstream version has been released (compared to the one specified as pkgver in the PKGBUILD) and pkgctl version upgrade to update the PKGBUILD accordingly. See pkgctl-version(1) for more details.