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Latest comment: 6 July 2023 by Dough.mean in topic What's this line for?


I'd like to propose adding an LDAP section describing how to have OpenVPN authenticate against an OpenLDAP server. This could be an optional step and does not require client certificates. Cirkit (talk) 00:32, 23 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

DNS leaks

Regarding the OpenVPN#Prevent leaks if VPN goes down section, I don't get why "DNS will not work unless running a dedicated DNS server", the ufw rules above the warning appear to allow DNS.

--Larivact (talk) 12:13, 11 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

Which rules? The Openvpn tunnel's two do, but the section is about that dropping. --Indigo (talk) 21:12, 30 November 2018 (UTC)Reply

Client daemon not reconnecting after suspend section

Is there any further knowledge about this issue? It would be valuable to include why a workaround is necessary or what causes OpenVPN to not reconnect. I stumbled upon this section when searching for a solution. I'm not very savvy with networking or debugging it, but all I know is the routing table is not reconfigured properly after wakeup. Starclimber (talk) 17:53, 26 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

New location for Update Systemd Resolve Scripts

The location of the scripts in the package openvpn-update-systemd-resolved changed in version 1.3.0. The section should give a hint towards the new path /usr/bin/update-systemd-resolved. However, I'm not sure if the recommendation for the manual installation should be changed as well. In this case /etc/openvpn/scripts/update-systemd-resolved seems reasonable to me.

Paradyx (talk) 05:41, 3 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Simple client usage?

This is a great article on how to set up a server etc. But it would be great to have a list of simple steps to get this actually running. Yes, NetworkManager in Arch instantly suggests an option "OpenVPN", but nowhere in this article (I tried hard both this and OpenVPN site - don't know how their method and app are connected to this one) it is written - where to get network settings. I believe there exists a simple usage of actual OpenVPN without creating your own server? If not, it would be nice to write about that too. Just an overview of this whole mess professional specification.

—This unsigned comment is by Ynikitenko (talk) 11:44, 5 March 2022. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Seems to be spelled out pretty clearly in OpenVPN#Connect_to_a_VPN_provided_by_a_third_party Graysky (talk) 12:56, 5 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
Many thanks! Could it be made more visible please? Maybe rename it? It was hard for me to understand that it was what I was looking for. (I don't know why, but I didn't get a notification about your answer.) Ynikitenko (talk) 10:00, 10 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

What's this line for?

In the The update-systemd-resolved custom script section:

setenv PATH /usr/bin

Is there a reason that the PATH is set to /usr/bin?

—This unsigned comment is by Dough.mean (talk) 17:12, 6 July 2023 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!Reply