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List of applications (Türkçe)

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Çeviri Durumu: Bu makale, List of applications makalesinin çevirisidir. Son çeviri tarihi (yıl-ay-gün şeklinde): 2022-03-24. Eğer makalenin İngilizce sürümünde değişiklik yapılmış ise çevirinin senkronize edilmesine yardımcı olabilirsiniz. Çevirmenliğe dair bilgi edinmek için Telegram grubumuzu ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Çevrilmiş tüm makelelere buradan erişebilirsiniz.

This article or section needs to be translated.

Notes: Due to a change to subpage links, the translated intro had to be replaced with a new english version. See Special:diff/798493 for english changes to the previous translation Special:diff/796963. (Discuss in Talk:List of applications (Türkçe))

This article is a general list of applications sorted by category, as a reference for those looking for packages. Many sections are split between console and graphical applications. Applications listed in "Console" sections can have graphical front-ends, official ones are currently omitted.

  • Please consider installing the pkgstats package, which provides a timer that sends a list of the packages installed on your system, along with the architecture and the mirrors you use, to the Arch Linux developers in order to help them prioritize their efforts and make the distribution even better. The information is sent anonymously and cannot be used to identify you. You can view the collected data at the Statistics page. More information is available in this forum thread.
  • Daemon packages usually include the relevant systemd unit file to start; some packages even include different ones. After installation pacman -Qql package | grep -Fe .service -e .socket can be used to check and find the relevant one.

The content is split into the following subpages for individual categories (also accessible via the navigation bar at the top of the page and each subpage):

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