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ArchWiki:Maintenance Team

From ArchWiki
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The Maintenance Team is ArchWiki official group of users whose goal includes supervising and fixing the edits that are made every day to the articles in the wiki. They also assist users, improve existing pages and aim to improve the wiki as a whole.

Who, when and how to contact

All members of the Maintenance Team provide ways to contact them personally if you desire so. Nevertheless, prefer using the following methods instead.

  • For page-specific comments, use its talk page which can be accessed from the discussion tab above each page.
  • For generic requests regarding wiki content, use ArchWiki talk:Requests.
  • To discuss style conventions used on the wiki pages, use Help talk:Style.
  • To discuss wiki content organization, or if you require assistance from the Maintenance Team, use ArchWiki talk:Maintenance Team.
  • For privacy requests (e.g. removal of inadvertently published personal information, wiki account deletion, etc.), either send an email from the wiki interface using Special:EmailUser/Privacy-requests (to allow making reasonable assumptions about the link between the username and email address) or email privacy@archlinux.org from the email address associated with your wiki account.
  • For other matters (not related to privacy) that cannot be discussed publicly, contact the ArchWiki Administrators by sending an email from wiki interface using Special:EmailUser/WikiSysop (to allow making reasonable assumptions about the link between the username and email address).
  • Casual, non-binding discussions with wiki contributors (which may include members of the Maintenance Team) can also be held in the #archlinux-wiki IRC channel.


Maintainers belong to a particular group of wiki users with special rights. Administrators and bureaucrats are maintainers with higher access levels, see ArchWiki:Access levels and roles.

Active maintainers

Active members of the Maintenance Team are listed in the following table. Maintainers are periodically and automatically sorted in descending order by their number of edits in the previous 30 days.

User Name Extra groups Contact
Lahwaacz (talk) Jakub Klinkovský administrator, bureaucrat ⟨username⟩ ⟨cat⟩ archlinux ⟨dog⟩ org
Erus_Iluvatar (talk) Vladimir LAVALLADE administrator See User:Erus Iluvatar#Contact
nl6720 (talk) administrator, bureaucrat Send Email
Indigo (talk) administrator ialbrecht@gmx.net
andreymal (talk) Andrey Kashlak Send Email
Andrei Korshikov (talk) Andrei Korshikov Send Email
NetSysFire (talk) See user page
Neitsab (talk) Send Email

Inactive maintainers

The following maintainers are currently inactive (less than 10 edits in the last 30 days):

User Name Extra groups Contact
Graysky (talk) graysky@archlinux.us
Kewl (talk) Send Email
Alad (talk) administrator, bureaucrat Send Message
Fengchao (talk) administrator Send Email
Lonaowna (talk) administrator Send Email
CodingKoopa (talk) See User:CodingKoopa#Contact
Edh (talk) Gordian Edenhofer gordian.edenhofer@gmail.com
Svito (talk) Send Email
Silverhammermba (talk) Send Email
Kynikos (talk) Dario Giovannetti administrator, bureaucrat dario {nospam} giova@gmai {nospam} l.com
Chazza (talk) Send Email
Misfit138 (talk) administrator fellow pitsker@gmail.com
Flyingpig (talk) Send Email
Kycok (talk) Send Email
jasonwryan (talk) administrator fellow jasonwryan@gmail.com
Francoism (talk) François Menning Send Email
Blackteahamburger (talk) blackteahamburger@outlook.com
Pypi (talk) Send Email
jstjohn (talk) Send Email
Rdeckard (talk) Send Email
Larivact (talk) Send Email
Det (talk) Send Email
Skydiver (talk) Send Email
Flu (talk) Send Email
Emiralle (talk) Send Email
Filam (talk) Send Email
AlexanderR (talk) alexanherrder.r@gmx.com
pointone (talk) administrator fellow desmondgc@gmail.com

How to join

Official maintainers are usually chosen by the administrators among the most active and collaborative users of the wiki, and personally invited to participate in the team. You can also explicitly present yourself as a candidate by contacting one of the administrators.

Common requisites for becoming a maintainer are:

  • Familiarity with community and wiki guidelines; willingness to collaborate and discuss with the other team members.
  • Some free time and the commitment to contribute regularly enough.
  • Patience, accuracy and tidiness.
  • Experience in wiki editing and good knowledge of wiki syntax.
  • Good knowledge of the structure of the ArchWiki and its style rules.
  • Sufficient knowledge of Arch Linux and the subjects treated in the articles, or willingness to do some research or discuss with the edits' authors when fixing content-related issues.

If you are interested in joining the team, you can start making yourself visible to the community by helping with the common tasks, in particular help out with patrolling among the other tasks listed in Help:Procedures, and contributing to the discussions that take place in the various talk pages.

New members get announced in the ArchWiki:News.

Once elected, members should add their username to the table above and also add a special tag in their user page: [[ArchWiki:Maintainers|ArchWiki Maintainer]]. Administrators should instead use: [[ArchWiki:Administrators|ArchWiki Administrator]].

See also